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The Importance of Gender Quotas in Patriarchal and Clientelistic Polities: The Case of Pakistan

Pipeline or Pipedream: Gender Balance Legislation’s Effect on Women’s Presence in State Government

Three Dimensions of Gendered Online Abuse: Analyzing Swedish MPs’ Experiences of Social Media

Women’s Struggle for a Voice in Local Governance: Challenges for Veiled Women in Haryana, India

Conflict as Catalyst: The Role of Conflict in Creating Political Space for Women

Party institutionalization, authoritarian regime types and women’s political equality

Women’s rights in Pakistan: A study of religious and alternate discourses regarding women’s participation in politics

Life-course and Cohort Impacts in Women’s Pathways to Politics: Post-active Motherhood as a Time of Political Possibility in India

Gender and the Politics of Class: Women in Trade Unions in Bengal

The Pioneer Women: Rewriting the History of Gender in Sudan

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More Womens Political 여성정치 sentence examples

New England Women Writers, Secularity, and the Federalist Politics of Church and State

Marx’s Minerva: sex, socialism and Soviet Russia in Matilde de la Torre’s El banquete de Saturno: Novela social (1931)

On Hearing the Daughters’ Call

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Gender and Racial Violence Against Afro-Brazilian LGBTQ+ Women

Combatir la violencia contra las mujeres políticas:

Bad debt: The women’s mobilization against the financial industry in Kyrgyzstan

Democracy with and without Women: Inclusion, Exclusion, and Violence

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Candid Conversations: Black Women Political Elites and Appearances

Women Who Persist: Pathways to Power in Eastern Indonesia

Compromise in an Age of Party Polarization. By Jennifer Wolak. New York: Oxford University Press, 2020. 234p. $99.00 cloth, $27.95 paper.

About the Contributors

Hak Asasi Politik Perempuan di Indonesia Dalam Perlindungan Hukum Positif dan Hukum Islam

Women’s empowerment for socioeconomic sustainable development in Singapore

Political Violence and Women Participation at the Municipal Level: Mandatory Gender Parity and It’s Challenges for Indigenous Women in Multicultural Contexts

Women and unequal voice in governors’ races: a study of campaign contributions

Factors That Militate Against Women Participation in Politics in Enugu State

Political apprenticeship and women leadership in a patriarchal society: Nasim Wali Khan’s political struggle through acquired skills

Media Discrimination and Gender Differences in Political Ambition in a Laboratory Experiment

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Women in Niger

Women and Political Participation: A Comparative Study of Ghana and India

Moderating Anti-Feminism: Islamism and Women Candidates in the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS)

Exclusion Through Inclusion: Institutional Constraints on Women’s Political Empowerment in India and Bangladesh

Women Participation and Empowerment System under Government Institutions and Constitution from 1971-2020

More Women Candidates: The Effects of Increased Women’s Presence on Political Ambition, Efficacy, and Vote Choice

Feminist Research in Misogynistic Times

Gender and attitudes toward welfare state reform: Are women really social investment promoters?

The Analysis of Women’s Representation in the House of Representatives of Central Java 2019-2024

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Single Women Involved in Entrepreneurship Negatively Affected by Gender and Marital Status as Entrepreneurs

Women’s Political Representation in Indonesia: Who Wins and How?

Feminist-Inspired NGO Activism in Contemporary China: Expanding the Inductive Approach in Qualitative Inquiry

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Deeper Decentralization, Fewer Women?

Operation Moonglow: A Political History of Project Apollo

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Introduction to the symposium on women’s political representation in Central and Eastern Europe

Temperance, Feminism, and Phrenology in Lydia Fowler’s Nora: The Lost and Redeemed

Engendering Success in Politics: A Pipeline Problem Requires a Pipeline Solution

Building a transformative feminist movement for women empowerment in Tanzania: the role of the Tanzania Gender Networking Programme (TGNP-Mtandao)

The Importance of Political Science for Understanding the Developmental Roots of Gender Gaps in Politics

The Challenges to Political Participation of Women in Afghanistan

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Womens Political 여성정치

Womens Political 여성정치
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