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Perspectives on the future of occupational epidemiology in Canada

Aftershocks and (un)belongings: Reflecting on Home Strike

A Study on the Communist Party of China’s Expressions in Discourse on Women’s Liberation During the War of Resistance Against Japan: Taking the Xinhua Daily as an Example

“Passing a looped and knotted string between their hands”. The Bible, the Women’s Liberation Movement and Women’s Bonds in Michèle Roberts’s The Wild Girl

When the personal is not political: experiences of collective agency amongst participants in the domestic violence response in London, UK

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Indian Society, Infertility, and Infidelity in Manju Kapur’s Fiction Custody

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Feminist Psychology in North America

Cycles of Conflict, a Century of Continuity: The Impact of Persistent Place-Based Political Logics on Social Movement Strategy1

Pauline Oliveros, Somatics, and the New Musicology

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The Other Communards

Evaluating Ectogenesis via the Metaphysics of Pregnancy

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El Movimiento para la Liberación de la Mujer en Costa Rica (1975-1981)

Reconstructing the Mother-Daughter Relationship: Lydia Davis and Amy Tan

Restaging Zhu Yingtai in Early Communist China

Rocking the Revolution: The Chicago Women’s Liberation Rock Band and the Politics of Feminist Rock and Roll

Chinese Rural Female Students’ Access to Higher Education

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The Anti-Rape and Battered Women’s Movements of the 1970s and 1980s

Reconstructing the Mother-Daughter Relationship: Lydia Davis and Amy Tan

Shifting the Voice: Postcolonial Feminism in J. M. Coetzee’s Disgrace and in the Heart of the Country

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The Legacy of Simone de Beauvoir

Análise da moda feminina nas décadas de 70 e 80, do século XX, baseada nos cartazes de cinema

Gender Sensitization and Educational Institutions

Aquelarre. La emancipación de las mujeres en la cultura de masas [Reseña]


Book Review: Women and Credit in Pre-Industrial Europe

Gender roles and women’s labor market outcomes

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“I Have a Vision, Charlie Brown”

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Womens Liberation 여성 해방

Womens Liberation 여성 해방
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