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Involvement of Women in Economy: An Explication from the Islamic Perspective

Incomplete transitions to clean household energy reinforce gender inequality by lowering women’s respiratory health and household labour productivity

Motherhood and flexible jobs: Evidence from Latin American countries

Researching around our subjects

Old-Age Pensions and Female Labour Supply in India

A woman’s work is never done: fiscal policy and women’s labour supply in Malawi

Can training close the gender wage gap? Evidence from Vietnamese SMEs

Building Support Networks 25 Years After Beijing: The Case of Women Domestic Workers in Ethiopia and Tanzania

A note on bride kidnapping and labour supply behaviour of Kyrgyz women

Role of social and institutional factors in Indian women’s labour force participation and hours worked

Impact of Marxist feminism on Japanese women’s movement: Focusing on the domestic labor debates

Economic Role of Women in Sri Lanka: A Historical Perspective

Engendering Political Labour: Findings from a Kerala Village

562The “quiet revolution” and mental health? Associations between household-employment configurations and mental-health across 17 years

Women managers in neoliberal Japan: gender, precarious labour and everyday lives

Do comprehensive and diverse childcare services affect women’s labour supply and well-being?

Heterogeneous impact of internet availability on female labour market outcomes in an emerging economy: Evidence from Indonesia

When Does Expanded Eligibility Translate into Increased Take-Up? An Examination of Parental Leave Policy in Luxembourg

Socioeconomic and cultural drivers of women’s formal work in rural Ghana

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Womens Labour 여성 노동

Womens Labour 여성 노동
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