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Indoleamine 2,3 dioxygenase, age, and immune activation in people living with HIV

A New Monocyte Epigenetic Clock Reveals Effects of Alcohol Consumption on Epigenetic Aging in Three Independent Cohorts

Associations of CKD risk factors and longitudinal changes in urine biomarkers of kidney tubules among women living with HIV

Patient Health Literacy and Communication with Providers Among Women Living with HIV: A Mixed Methods Study

Long-Acting Injectable ART and PrEP Among Women in Six Cities Across the United States: A Qualitative Analysis of Who Would Benefit the Most

60941 Vaginal pH predicts cervical intraepithelial neoplasia-2 regression in women living with human immunodeficiency virus

Poverty, Deprivation, and Mortality Risk Among Women With HIV in the United States

Urine Biomarkers of Kidney Tubule Health and Incident CKD Stage 3 in Women Living With HIV: A Repeated Measures Study

Factors associated with syphilis seroprevalence in women with and at-risk for HIV infection in the Women’s Interagency HIV Study (1994–2015)

Intersections of food insecurity, violence, poor mental health and substance use among US women living with and at risk for HIV: Evidence of a syndemic in need of attention

Relationship between food insecurity and smoking status among women living with and at risk for HIV in the USA: a cohort study

Obesity is associated with lower bacterial vaginosis prevalence in menopausal but not pre-menopausal women in a retrospective analysis of the Women’s Interagency HIV Study

A genomic variant of ALPK2 is associated with increased liver fibrosis risk in HIV/HCV coinfected women

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Womens Interagency 여성 기관

Womens Interagency 여성 기관
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