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The Customary Practice of Nata Pratha in Rajasthan, India: Is It Freedom or Captivity for Women?

Hugh Last Rome Award: Heating systems in Imperial-period Roman baths in central Italy: Aquinum and beyond

The Origins of Emancipation and Feminism in 19th Century India: Bengalese Experience

Nearly Got Shot Dead, and He Didn’t Get His Little Check Yet: Workers, Crime, and Law and Order in New York City, 1962-1970

Ecofeminism and Natural Resource Management: Justice Delayed, Justice Denied

Psychological Violence Against Arab Women in the Context of Social Media: Web-Based Questionnaire Study

Toward an Intersectional Psychological Science of Reproductive Norms: Generating Research Across the Natalism Spectrum

Pride and Power: A History of Modern Iraq

Mujeres en la pantalla: la bruja feminista en Chilling Adventures of Sabrina

The Use of Criminal Law on Abortion: A Structural Barrier that Limits Women’s Rights

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Womens Freedom 여성의 자유

Womens Freedom 여성의 자유
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