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Perspectives, progress and prospects; researching women’s entrepreneurship in emerging economies

Micro-Finance as a Triggering Mechanism for Empowering Women’s Entrepreneurship in Sri Lanka

Problems of political unrest: women in small businesses in Bangladesh

The Economics of the Soy Kit as an Appropriate Household Technology for Food Entrepreneurs

Collective Resilience: Building Wellness in an Entrepreneurship Programme

The Impact of Islamic Feminism in Empowering Women’s Entrepreneurship in Conflict Zones: Evidence from Afghanistan, Iraq and Palestine

Factors That Influence Women to Be Involved in Entrepreneurship: A Case Study in Malaysia

The Recognition of Business Opportunity in Female Entrepreneurship: State of Play in a Tunisian Context

Women’s entrepreneurship and culture: gender role expectations and identities, societal culture, and the entrepreneurial environment

Strengthening women’s entrepreneurship capabilities in the palm cattle integrated farming system

Constituting Intersectional Politics of Reinscription: Women Entrepreneurs’ Resistance Practices in China, Denmark, and the United States

The Study of Leaders Navigating Institutional on Female International Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies

Culture and gender in entrepreneurial teams: the effect on team processes and outcomes

Marriage and business performance: the case of women-owned micro and small businesses in Tanzania

The Improvement of Women’s Entrepreneurial Competence in Rural Tourism: An Action Learning Perspective

Neo-liberalism translated into preconditions for women entrepreneurs – two contrasting cases

Learn more from Womens Entrepreneurship 여성 기업가 정신

Womens Entrepreneurship 여성 기업가 정신

Womens Entrepreneurship 여성 기업가 정신
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