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Do Women Engage in Pro-environmental Behaviours in the Public Sphere Due to Social Expectations? The Effects of Social Norm-Based Persuasive Messages

Gender and the Politics of Class: Women in Trade Unions in Bengal

Accessing and Engaging with Antenatal Care: An Interview Study of Teenage Women


Digital pruning: Agency and social media use as a personal political project among female weightlifters in recovery from eating disorders

Accessing and engaging with antenatal care: an interview study of teenage women

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‘Crittickize uppon the smallest word’

Gender and Rural Entrepreneurship in Digitizing Sub-Saharan Africa

Women, Land Tenure Dynamics and Land Sales in Rural Areas. The Case of Syukula Village, Tanzania

Vertical gardening and Syrian women refugees in Lebanon: an exploratory study on motivation for gardening and depression relief

Reverse migrations and women’s role in shaping religious identities in Hyderabad

Identifying attributes motivating appearance management behaviours among young college women: Narcissism, self-efficacy, body attitudes and internalization of beauty ideals

African Cultural Belief of Women Involvement in Housing Development and Ownership

Irish women and the creation of modern Catholicism, 1850–1950. By Cara Delay. Pp. x + 253. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 2019. £80. 978 1 5261 3639 8

Political sociability at the Brahetrolleborg estate in Denmark, 1789-90

Exploring women’s experiences of participation in shared decision-making during childbirth: a qualitative study at a reference hospital in Spain

Exploring the experiences of sexual abuse survivors engaged in non-formal, arts-informed adult learning, using an arts-based research methodology

Ecologies of the Atlantic Archipelago

Women’s career confidence in a fixed, sexist STEM environment

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Women and Violent Extremism: Concepts and Theories

Inter-hospital and inter-disciplinary variation in planned birth practices and readiness for change: a survey study

Duty and Defiance: Women in Community-based Armed Groups in West Africa

Menire Making Movies: Participatory Video Production Among Kayapo Women in the Brazilian Amazon

Scents and Celestinas: Alchemical Women in Early Modern Spain

Converting American Buddhism: Second-Generation Buddhist Americans, Orientalism, and the Politics of Family Religion

Distant Sisters: Australasian Women and the International Struggle for the Vote, 1880–1914

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Womens Engagement 여성 약혼

Womens Engagement 여성 약혼
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