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Do financial inclusion schemes empower women? Evidence on what works from India’s National Rural Livelihoods Project

Thinking Outside the Black Box: Current Perceptions on Breast Implant Safety and Utility

Decision-making autonomy of women and other factors of anemia among married women in Ethiopia: a multilevel analysis of a countrywide survey

“Cervical cancer screening: awareness is not enough”. Understanding barriers to screening among women in West Cameroon—a qualitative study using focus groups.

‘Every medicine is part poison’: a qualitative inquiry into the perceptions and experiences of choosing contraceptive methods of migrant Chinese women living in Australia

토지제도 특성이 농업 생산에 미치는 영향 비교: 에티오피아와 말라위를 중심으로(Land Tenure Security, Institution and Agricultural Production: Evidence from Ethiopia and Malawi)

Unintended Pregnancy During COVID-19 Pandemic Among Women Attending Antenatal Care in Northwest Ethiopia: Magnitude and Associated Factors

Women’s empowerment, intrahousehold influences, and health system design on modern contraceptive use in rural Mali: a multilevel analysis of cross-sectional survey data

Trends and Determinants of Contraceptive Use among Women in Nigeria: Does Decision Making Involvement Within the Family Count?

Decision Making Power Over Reproductive Health Service Utilization and Associated Factors Among Married Women in Dupa Town and Surrounding Rural Kebeles, Illuababora Zone, South West Ethiopia,2020

Women’s decision-making power in a context of free reproductive healthcare and family planning in rural Burkina Faso

Engendering regulation of artisanal and small-scale mining: participation, protection and access to justice

Women’s decision in family planning use and its determinants in Ethiopia. A systematic review and meta-analysis protocol

Sort and Sift, Think and Shift: Let the Data Be Your Guide An Applied Approach to Working With, Learning From, and Privileging Qualitative Data

The Long-term Effects of Violent Conflict on Women’s Intra-Household Decision-Making Power

Associations of Power Relations, Wife-Beating Attitudes, and Controlling Behavior of Husband With Domestic Violence Against Women in India: Insights From the National Family Health Survey–4

Women Decision Making Autonomy as a Facilitating Factor for Contraceptive Use for Family Planning in Pakistan

Married women’s decision-making autonomy in the household and maternal and neonatal healthcare utilization and associated factors in Debretabor, northwest Ethiopia

Women’s attitudes, beliefs and values about tests, and management for hypertensive disorders of pregnancy

Neonatal mortality and associated factors in Ethiopia: a cross-sectional population-based study

Men and women candidates are similarly persistent after losing elections

Influence of Cultural and Religious Practices on the Management of Pregnancy at Mbombela Municipality, South Africa: An Explorative Study

Spatial clusters distribution and modelling of health care autonomy among reproductive‐age women in Ethiopia: spatial and mixed‐effect logistic regression analysis

“As a woman who watches how my family is… I take the difficult decisions”: a qualitative study on integrated family planning and childhood immunisation services in five African countries

Premature ovarian insufficiency: the need for evidence on the effectiveness of hormonal therapy

Relationship between women’s decision-making power over their own health care and use of modern contraception in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: a cross-sectional secondary data analysis


Application of the Theory of Gender and Power to Examine Sexual and Reproductive Autonomy among Women in Mahikeng in South Africa

The role of gender power relations on women’s health outcomes: evidence from a maternal health coverage survey in Simiyu region, Tanzania

1139Predictors of Unintended Pregnancy among Indian women: An analysis from NFHS-IV Survey

Spatial variability in factors influencing maternal health service use in Jimma Zone, Ethiopia: a geographically-weighted regression analysis

Feminization of African Agriculture and the Meaning of Decision-Making for Empowerment and Sustainability

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