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Impact of hysterectomy on uterine cancer incidence rates in Egypt

Uterine cervical neoplasms mass screening at the University Hospital Centre of Libreville, Gabon: Associated factors with precancerous and cancerous lesions

Impact of comorbidities and treatment burden on general well-being among women’s cancer survivors

Establishing women’s cancer care services in a fragile, conflict and violence affected ecosystem in Africa

Drug shows significant early promise in early, high‐risk, HR–positive, HER2–negative breast cancer

Leveraging a matrix of stakeholders to facilitate access to chemotherapy for women’s cancers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Women’s cancers in China: a spatio-temporal epidemiology analysis

Epidemiological trends of women’s cancers from 1990 to 2019 at the global, regional, and national levels: a population-based study

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Womens Cancers 여성 암

Womens Cancers 여성 암
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