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Association of maternal birth weight with the risk of low birth weight and small-for-gestational-age in offspring: A prospective single-center cohort study

Authors’ reply re: Induction of labour should be offered to all women at term. FOR: Induction of labour should be offered at term

Reproducing normative femininity: Women’s evaluations of their birth experiences analysed by means of word frequency and thematic analysis

The association of women’s birth size with risk of molecular breast cancer subtypes: a cohort study

Re: BJOG Debate. Induction of labour should be offered to all women at term. FOR: Induction of labour should be offered at term

Age at First Marriage and Fertility Decline in Dabat Health and Demographic Surveillance System Site, northwest Ethiopia: Decomposition analysis

Mothers’ Experiences and Perceptions of Facility-based Delivery Care in Rural Ethiopia

Obstacles to Birth Surname Retention Upon Marriage: How Do Hostile Sexism and System Justification Predict Support for Marital Surname Change Among Women?

Birth Experience in Syrian Refugee Women in Turkey: A Descriptive Phenomenological Qualitative Study

Household factors and under-five mortality in Bankass, Mali: results from a cross-sectional survey

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Womens Birth 여성의 탄생

Womens Birth 여성의 탄생
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