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Barriers to abortion access in Australia before and during the COVID-19 pandemic

Quality of working life and inequality: gender consideration

The Importance of Gender Quotas in Patriarchal and Clientelistic Polities: The Case of Pakistan

Can health information through mobile phones close the divide in health behaviours among the marginalised? An equity analysis of Kilkari in Madhya Pradesh, India

Gender Inequalities and Fertility in Morocco: Measuring Women’s Empowerment and Impact on the Ideal Number of Children

Knowledge of Postpartum Women About Modern Contraceptive Methods and Attitudes Towards its Utilization in Debre Tabor Town, Northwest Ethiopia: A Community-Based Cross-Sectional Study

Propietarias en la ciudad de México durante la coyuntura de la reforma liberal

Empowering tribal women through entrepreneurship in Sylhet region of Bangladesh

Impact of abortion law reforms on women’s health services and outcomes: a systematic review protocol

Barriers to Sexual and Reproductive Wellbeing Among Saudi Women: a Qualitative Study

Health Insurance Coverage and Its Associated Factors Among Reproductive-Age Women in East Africa: A Multilevel Mixed-Effects Generalized Linear Model

The Pioneer Women: Rewriting the History of Gender in Sudan

Factors influencing the choice of higher education institutions in Angola

A long way to go: engagement of men and boys in country family planning commitments and implementation plans

In women, we trust! Exploring the sea change in investors’ perceptions in equity crowdfunding

Barriers to Access of Healthcare Services for Rural Women—Applying Gender Lens on TB in a Rural District of Sindh, Pakistan

Effect of COVID-19 pandemic on provision of sexual and reproductive health services in primary health facilities in Nigeria: a cross-sectional study

The role of organizational and individual-level factors for the inclusion of women managers in Japan

Mauritius – Recovering from Covid

Routledge Library Editions: Women and Business

Opaque Obstacles: The Role of Stigma, Rumor, and Superstition in Limiting Women’s Access to Computing in Rural Bangladesh

Maternal Education and Low Birth Weight in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis

A Prospective, Comparative Study of Clinical Outcomes Following Clinic-Based Versus Self-Use of Medical Abortion

Is Socioeconomic Inequality Boosting Intimate Partner Violence in India? An Overview of the National Family Health Survey, 2005–2006 and 2015–2016

The Threat of Automating Control: Surveillance of Women’s Clothing in Iran

Gender Bias in Skills Definition, Labour Market Dynamics and Skills Recognition

Pathways towards Women Empowerment and Determinants of Decent Work Deficit: A South Asian Perspective

Engendering regulation of artisanal and small-scale mining: participation, protection and access to justice


Ask a Feminist: Byllye Avery Discusses the Past and Future of Reproductive Justice

Right to Pray

Gender and intergenerational challenges to Women’s economic empowerment initiatives in Rwanda

Empowerment as a Mediator between Education and Reproductive Health Care in Egypt: The Impact of Poverty and Residence

Ecofeminism and Natural Resource Management: Justice Delayed, Justice Denied

Qualitative evaluation of a mandatory health insurance ‘wait period’ in a publicly funded health system: understanding health inequities for newcomer im/migrant women

Adapting breastfeeding support in areas of socio-economic deprivation: a case study approach

Woman Empowerment and Household Income in Kira Municipality, Uganda

Follow the Money: Gender, Incumbency, and Campaign Funding in Chile

Women and Documentary

Implementation of a training protocol on intrauterine device insertion for resident physicians

Protecting, Empowering, or Penalizing Motherhood? The Contradictory Treatment of Women in Chilean Social Policies

Perspectives of policymakers and health providers on barriers and facilitators to skilled pregnancy care: findings from a qualitative study in rural Nigeria

Land tenure regimes for women in Community Resource Management Areas (CREMAs) in Northern Ghana: Opportunities and threats

Bargaining for gender equality in Aotearoa New Zealand: Flexible work arrangements in collective agreements, 2007–2019

Linkages Between Agriculture and Nutrition in Bihar

Women Cross Border Traders’ Participation in Tax Rulemaking Processes

Chinese Rural Female Students’ Access to Higher Education

Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Implementation in Family Planning Services Across the Southern United States: Findings from a Survey Among Staff, Providers and Administrators Working in Title X-Funded Clinics

Why We Care: An overview of the distribution of unpaid care work in Ma’an, southern Jordan

Facilitators and barriers to women’s access to top management positions in the hospitality industry

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Womens Access 여성 액세스
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