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Winter Sea sentence examples within split plot design

Enhancement Yield and Quality of Faba Bean Plants Grown under Salt Affected Soils Conditions by Phosphorus Fertilizer Sources and Some Organic Acids

Effect of weather parameters on growth stages of winter maize explain the grain yield

Winter Sea sentence examples within sea level pressure

Identifying mesoscale high-wind features within extratropical cyclones

The Influence of South Pacific Convergence Zone Heating on the South Pacific Subtropical Anticyclone

Winter Sea sentence examples within sea surface temperature

Impact of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies in the Equatorial and North Pacific on the Arctic Stratosphere According to INMCM5 Climate Model Simulations

Impact of Sea Surface Temperature Anomalies in the Equatorial and North Pacific on the Arctic Stratosphere According to the INMCM5 Climate Model Simulations

Winter Sea sentence examples within latent heat flux

Improving the representation of cropland sites in the Community Land Model (CLM) version 5.0

Improving the representation of cropland sites in the Community Land Model (CLM) version 5.0

Winter Sea sentence examples within & # 160

Investigation of the ionospheric plasma parameters variations in the range of planetary waves periods using Warsaw ionosonde and Belsk observatory data

Changes in cyclone circulation and storm tracks under different future climate scenarios

Winter Sea sentence examples within monsoon post monsoon

A coherent approach of Water Quality Indices and Multivariate Statistical Models to estimate the water quality and pollution source apportionment of River Ganga System in Himalayan region, Uttarakhand, India

Time-series monitoring and ecological risk assessment of heavy metal pollution in Mahanadi estuary, east coast of India

Winter Sea sentence examples within pre monsoon season

Trend and Variability Analysis of Sunshine Duration in Divisional Headquarters of Bangladesh

Comparison of INSAT-3D retrieved total column ozone with ground-based and AIRS observations over India.

Winter Sea sentence examples within Two Winter Sea

Effectiveness of Organic and Bio-Fertilization on Reduce Rates of Mineral Nitrogen Fertilizers and Impact on Productivity of some Wheat Cultivars

Field succession studies and casework can help to identify forensically useful Diptera.

Winter Sea sentence examples within Successive Winter Sea

Eggplant seedlings production in modified growing media by some organic wastes

Effect of sowing dates and foliar spraying by some antioxidants on yield and its components for two bread wheat cultivars in New Valley governorate, Egypt

Winter Sea sentence examples within Consecutive Winter Sea

Changes in the Thickness of Ice Cover on Water Bodies Subject to Human Pressure (Silesian Upland, Southern Poland)

Population genetics as a tool to elucidate pathogen reservoirs: Lessons from Pseudogymnoascus destructans, the causative agent of white-nose disease in bats

Winter Sea sentence examples within 2021 Winter Sea

Social distancing during the COVID‐19 pandemic resulted in a marked decrease in hospitalisations for bronchiolitis

Climatic features of the 2020/2021 winter season and the air temperature and precipitation outlook for the summer of 2021 over Northern Eurasia

Winter Sea sentence examples within Dry Winter Sea

Underground salt weathering of heritage stone: lithological and environmental constraints on the formation of sulfate efflorescences and crusts

Establishment of Crops under Minimal Soil Disturbance and Crop Residue Retention in Rice-Based Cropping System: Yield Advantage, Soil Health Improvement, and Economic Benefit

Winter Sea sentence examples within 2019 Winter Sea

The trace elements in the snow cover of the 2018-2019 season in the Novy Urengoy region (Arctic part of Western Siberia)

The Prevalence and Genetic Characterization of Human Metapneumovirus in Bulgaria, 2016–2019

Winter Sea sentence examples within Austral Winter Sea

Towards a climatology of fog frequency in the Atacama Desert via multi-spectral satellite data and machine learning techniques

Antarctic winter sea-ice seasonal simulation with a coupled model: Evaluation of mean features and biases

Winter Sea sentence examples within Cold Winter Sea

Adaptive thermal comfort study of workers in a mini-industrial unit during summer and winter season in a tropical country, India

National and institutional responses – reimagined operations – pandemic disruptions and academic continuity for a global university

Winter Sea sentence examples within Five Winter Sea

Development and Evaluation of Geostatistical Methods for Estimating Weather Related Collisions: A Large-Scale Case Study

Evaluating a prediction system for snow management

Winter Sea sentence examples within 2020 Winter Sea

COVID-19 emergency in Sicily and intersection with the 2019-2020 influenza epidemic

Effect distribution of plants and combination of fertilization (N. P. K) on some of growth, yield and its componant of safflower. (carthamus tintorius L.)

Winter Sea sentence examples within Arctic Winter Sea

Relative contributions of internal atmospheric variability and surface processes to the interannual variations in wintertime Arctic surface air temperatures

Comment on wcd-2021-18

Winter Sea sentence examples within Antarctic Winter Sea

Reconstructing Antarctic winter sea-ice extent during Marine Isotope Stage 5e

Orbital- and millennial-scale Antarctic Circumpolar Current variability in Drake Passage over the past 140,000 years

Winter Sea sentence examples within Fmy Winter Sea

Multi-sensor analysis of monthly gridded snow precipitation on alpine glaciers

Spotlight influenza: Extending influenza surveillance to detect non-influenza respiratory viruses of public health relevance: analysis of surveillance data, Belgium, 2015 to 2019

Winter Sea sentence examples within Entire Winter Sea

Developing an adapted UTCI (Universal Thermal Climate Index) for the elderly population in China’s severe cold climate region

Effect of snowfalls on relative seismic velocity changes measured by ambient noise correlation

Winter Sea sentence examples within Extended Winter Sea

A complex network analysis of extreme cyclones in the Arctic

European West Coast atmospheric rivers: A scale to characterize strength and impacts

Winter Sea sentence examples within During Winter Sea

Experimental Performance of an Advanced Air-Type Photovoltaic/Thermal (PVT) Collector with Direct Expansion Air Handling Unit (AHU)


Winter Sea sentence examples within Harsh Winter Sea

Common Buzzards wintering strategies as an effect of weather conditions and geographic barriers

Use of Simulation Tools for Optimization of the Time Duration of Winter Maintenance Activities at Airports

Winter Sea sentence examples within Boreal Winter Sea

Southwestward propagating quasi-biweekly oscillations over the South-West Indian Ocean during boreal winter

Seasonal prediction of Indian summer monsoon onset with echo state networks

Winter Sea sentence examples within Hemisphere Winter Sea

Where have all the viruses gone? Disappearance of seasonal respiratory viruses during the COVID‐19 pandemic

Multifrequency inversion of global ambient seismic sources

Winter Sea sentence examples within 2018 Winter Sea

Impact of Urbanization on Surface Energy Balance Components Over Metropolitan Cities of India During 2000–2018 Winter Seasons

Estimation Genetic Stability of Faba bean (Vicia faba L.) Genotypes in Sallahaddin Governorate

Winter Sea sentence examples within Long Winter Sea

Price Crises in Soviet Economy 1920s and Institutional Effects of the Fundamental Impossibility of Socialism

Correlation between simulations and measurements of an eco-house design for Mongolia

Winter Sea sentence examples within Growing Winter Sea


Influence of compost and canal clay scouring on sandy soil properties and wheat productivity under Irrigation water regime

Winter Sea sentence examples within Mild Winter Sea

Influence of crop type on common vole abundance in Central European agroecosystems