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Whole Bone sentence examples within whole bone marrow

Clodronate improves lameness in horses without changing bone turnover markers

Biomaterials and regenerative technologies used in bone regeneration in the craniomaxillofacial region: Consensus report of group 2 of the 15th European Workshop on Periodontology on Bone Regeneration.

Whole Bone sentence examples within whole bone strength

The microbial metagenome and bone tissue composition in mice with microbiome-induced reductions in bone strength.

Bone mineral density, structure, distribution and strength in men with prostate cancer treated with androgen deprivation therapy.

Whole Bone sentence examples within whole bone stiffnes

Mechanical Regulation of the Maternal Skeleton during Reproduction and Lactation

A multi-imaging modality study of bone density, bone structure and the muscle - bone unit in end-stage renal disease.

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Overall Bone Structure as Assessed by Slice-by-Slice Profile

Saving Old Bones: a non-destructive method for bone collagen prescreening

Fracture Mechanism and Fracture Toughness at the Interface between Cortical and Cancellous bone.

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Predicting bone strength from CT data: Clinical applications.

[Differentiated treatment strategies for bone metastases of the extremities].

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Petrous bone diagenesis: a multi-analytical approach

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Inferring bone attribution to species through micro-Computed Tomography: A comparison of third metapodials from Homo sapiens and Ursus americanus

The solid-state proton NMR study of bone using a dipolar filter: apatite hydroxyl content versus animal age

Effects of feeding juniper as a roughage on feedlot performance, carcass measurements, meat sensory attributes, and volatile aroma compounds of yearling Rambouillet wethers.

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Whole Bone 전체 뼈

Whole Bone 전체 뼈
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