Viii Junior(VIII 주니어)란 무엇입니까?
Viii Junior VIII 주니어 - The population of this study were all students of class VIII Junior High School 2 Sigi and the sample in this study were class VIII A and VIII B which were divided into experimental class and control class. [1] Based on the results of the calculation of normalized gain score known that the percentage increase in mathematics learning achievement class VIII Junior High School Christian 1 Soe after taught with the source of learning based on ethnomatematics with PjBL model is 60% are in the category of being. [2] Therefore, an important result of this study is the use of science learning material on motion in daily life theme has a significant effect on increasing the knowledge and new literacy skills of grade VIII junior high school students at a 95% confidence level. [3] 3988 e-ISSN : 2686-5807 | p-ISSN : 2686-5793 206 students of class VIII Junior High School 29 Padang which consisted of 264 people. [4] From the research conducted, it was obtained that the RME-based learning design for the topic of Probability was practical so that the RME-based learning design of probability topics that were implemented to teacher books and student books could be used to develop mathematical communication skills of grade viii junior high school students. [5] Based on the analysis carried out, the conclusion is that unisono vocal learning in class VIII junior high school Bina Tama Palembang has been going well. [6] The population is students of class VIII junior high school students in one of the cities in Sumatera Barat selected through purposive sampling techniques. [7] This study aims to develop a learning model of passing volleyball for class VIII junior high school students. [8] The study population was all students of class VIII Junior High School Darul Ihsan Aceh Besar, and the sample selection was using random sampling techniques so that 60 students were selected as the research sample who were divided into two classes. [9] Thus Ha can be submitted it can be accepted, that the push up exercise varies with the results overheadpass in the volleyball extracurricular activities of male students class VIII Junior High School Muhammadiyah Megang Sakti Musi Rawas. [10] IMPROVING STUDENTS' SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS IN IPA SUBJECTS, THE CONCEPT OF LIQUID PRESSURE THROUGH THE STEM (SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING MATHEMATIC) APPROACH IN CLASS VIII JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (SMPN 4 KOTA BOGOR) This research is a Classroom Action Research by providing action on research subjects in two learning cycles. [11] The critical reading module of exposition text with a reflective approach was declared very feasible to improve critical reading skills as well as providing knowledge about exposition text to students of grade VIII junior high school. [12] The flip chart that have been produced validated by using validation sheets by 4 validators who expert on media and material, then tested on 20 grade VIII junior high school student. [13] This study aims to determine the effect of the use of Jigsaw learning model on mutual respect in grade VIII junior high school students. [14] Try Out was done on nine students of class VIII Junior High School. [15] Researchers are finally interested in conducting research on the design of learning applications for Android-based mobile apps on the subject of art and culture, the material of arranging traditional dance movements for grade VIII junior high school students. [16] The design of this study is a survey research with the study population was all grade VIII junior high school students in South Sulawesi. [17] The purpose of this study was to describe the creative thinking profile of grade VIII junior high school students in terms of learning styles in solving quadrilateral problems. [18] The subjects of this study were 32 students of VIII Junior High School in Gresik. [19] This research aims to produce a bilingual illustrated module product based on predict, observe, explain (POE) on the probability material for class VIII Junior High School/MTs which is valid and practical. [20] Developing an assessment test in the middle of semester 2 in the VIII science class of junior high school : This study aims to: (1) develop the Middle Semester 2 assessment questions to measure the achievement of science competencies of class VIII junior high school students, (2) know the theoretical quality of the Middle Semester 2 Science class VIII Middle Assessment questions, and (3) determine the empirical quality of the questions Middle Semester 2 Science Assessment Class VIII according to classical theory. [21] The purpose of the research was to develop a human respiratory system supplement book based on augmented reality technology as a valid and appropriate teaching material for grade VIII junior high school students The role of this AR technology-based supplement book will be one of the teaching materials to support the weaknesses of the main book The development of supplement books based on augmented reality technology is very suitable for students to use for independent study, especially in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic The development research model uses the model proposed by William W Lee & Diana L Owens only up to three stages, namely: (1) assessment / analysis (assessment / analysis) which consists of needs analysis and preliminary analysis, (2) design (design), and (3) development (development) The results of research and development of human respiratory system supplement books based on augmented reality technology are in the very feasible category with the percentage of validity and feasibility of material 97 4% and media 94 8% This it can be concluded that the development of a human respiratory system supplement book based on augmented reality technology as a teaching material for seventh grade students of junior high school is feasible and worthy of being used as a source of independent learning in science subjects in particular in the field of human respiration system material both inside and outside the classroom © 2021 Author(s). [22] The results were an increase in volleyball passing skills using the method of playing bouncing ball in class VIII junior high school students 19 Pontianak, namely in the pre-cycle student completeness only reached 25%, then there was an increase in cycle I of 63% and there was an increase in cycle 2 to 78%. [23] This study aims to produce constructivism-based interactive mathematics learning media that is valid and practical on flat-sided building materials for class VIII junior high school students. [24] The author uses a population of class VIII junior high school students with a sample of 27 students. [25] Based on the weaknesses that were found, the booklet was developed as an independent learning resources of natural science in class VIII junior high school. [26] The purpose of this study is to see an increase in learning outcomes in the material growth and development in class VIII Junior High School Number 17 Palembang. [27] This study aims to develop a learning tool based on open-ended with jumping task on the material of the system of linear equations in a two variable for grade VIII junior high school students and to determine the effects on students’ creative thinking ability. [28] This study aims to determine the effect of emotional intelligence on the learning achievement of class VIII junior high school. [29] This study uses a mixed method with the research subjects being autistic grade VIII junior high school girls. [30] This research involved 35 grade VIII junior high schools; one of them with moderate math skills was chosen as the main subject. [31] These results indicate that appropriate teaching aids are used to train science process skills of class VIII junior high school students. [32] The research sample is class VIII junior high school students. [33] The population in this study were all students of class VIII junior high school in Cirebon. [34] The expert trial results stated that Adobe Flash CS6-based the multimedia of Science learning on pressure material in the circulatory and respiratory systems in humans for students of Class VIII junior high school was under the design, and the material included inappropriate used as science learning multimedia. [35] The purpose of this study was to describe the application of the Niteni, Nirokke, and Nambahi processes in Indonesian Students' Textbooks for Class VIII Junior High School Students in 2013 Curriculum. [36] This study aims to develop VBA Powerpoint based learning media on SPLDV material for class VIII junior high school students. [37] The subject of this study consisted of one grade VIII junior high school student who had high logical mathematical intelligence. [38] Interest of students of class VIII junior high school on athletic learning. [39] This article is literature study which aims to describe the Project-Based Learning Model that is applied in statistical materials for students in Grade VIII junior high school. [40] The data source is the teacher's speech act in learning in class VIII Junior High School Nurul Ikhlas Padang Panjang. [41] Research subjects were 27 teachers of social studies education and 450 students in grade VIII junior high schools of Sumbawa Regency. [42] Subjects in this study were students of class VIII Junior High School (SMP) totaling 32 people. [43] Based on the results of expert tests and limited trials conducted on 10 grade VIII junior high school students in one of the junior high schools in the attack district it is undeniably related to interactive teaching materials with metacognitive scaffolding for support and 6% mathematical reflective. [44] This research aims to describe metacognitive skills of climber students in solving mathematic problems in class VIII junior high school. [45]본 연구의 모집단은 Ⅷ중학교 2시기의 모든 학생이었고 본 연구의 표본은 실험반과 통제반으로 나누어진 ⅧA반과 ⅧB반이었다. [1] 정규화된 게인 점수 계산 결과에 따르면 수학 학습 성취도 8등급 중학교 기독교 1학년 1학기 이후 PjBL 모델로 민족학 기반 학습원으로 강의한 후 60% 증가하는 범주에 속한다. . [2] 따라서 본 연구의 중요한 결과는 95% 신뢰수준에서 8학년 중학생의 지식과 새로운 문해력 향상에 일상생활 주제의 과학학습자료 활용이 유의미한 영향을 미친다는 것이다. [3] nan [4] 수행한 연구 결과, 확률 주제에 대한 RME 기반 학습 설계는 교사용 도서 및 학생용 도서에 구현된 확률 주제의 RME 기반 학습 설계가 수학적 의사소통 능력 개발에 활용될 수 있도록 실용적임을 알 수 있었다. 8학년 중학생. [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] nan [9] nan [10] nan [11] nan [12] nan [13] nan [14] nan [15] nan [16] nan [17] nan [18] 이 연구의 대상은 Gresik에 있는 VIII 중학교 학생 32명이었다. [19] nan [20] nan [21] 연구 목적은 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 인간 호흡기 계통 보충 교재를 8학년 중학생에게 유효하고 적절한 교재로 개발하는 것이었습니다. 이 AR 기술 기반 보충 교재의 역할은 교재 중 하나가 될 것입니다. 본서의 약점을 보완하기 위해 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 보충 교재의 개발은 특히 Covid-19 전염병 시대에 학생들이 독립적인 학습에 사용하기에 매우 적합합니다. 개발 연구 모델은 William W가 제안한 모델을 사용합니다. Lee & Diana L Owens는 (1) 수요 분석 및 예비 분석으로 구성된 평가/분석(평가/분석), (2) 설계(설계), (3) 개발(개발)의 3단계까지만 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 인간호흡기 보조책 연구개발 결과는 타당도 비율로 매우 실현 가능한 범주에 속한다. 및 자료의 타당성 97 4% 및 미디어 94 8% 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 인간 호흡기 계통 보충 교재를 중학교 7학년 학생들을 위한 교재로 개발하는 것이 실현 가능하고 가치가 있다고 결론지을 수 있다. 과학 과목, 특히 인간 호흡 시스템 분야의 교실 안팎에서 독립적인 학습의 소스로 사용됨 © 2021 Author(s). [22] nan [23] nan [24] nan [25] nan [26] nan [27] nan [28] 본 연구는 8급 중학교의 학습성취도에 감성지능이 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것을 목적으로 한다. [29] 이 연구는 연구 대상이 자폐 8급 중학생인 혼합 방법을 사용합니다. [30] 이 연구는 35개 학년 VIII 중학교를 대상으로 했습니다. 그 중 중등도의 수학 능력을 가진 하나가 주요 과목으로 선택되었습니다. [31] 이러한 결과는 8급 중학생의 과학과정 기술 훈련에 적절한 교재가 사용되었음을 시사한다. [32] 연구표본은 8학년 중학생이다. [33] 이 연구의 모집단은 Cirebon에 있는 VIII 중학교의 모든 학생이었습니다. [34] 전문가 실험 결과, 8급 중학생을 위한 인간의 순환계 및 호흡기계 압력 재료에 대한 Adobe Flash CS6 기반의 과학 학습 멀티미디어가 설계 중이며, 포함된 자료가 부적절하여 과학 학습 멀티미디어로 사용되는 것으로 나타났습니다. . [35] 본 연구의 목적은 2013학년도 8학년 중학생을 위한 인도네시아 학생 교과서에 Niteni, Nirokke, Nambahi 과정을 적용한 내용을 기술하는 것이다. [36] 본 연구는 VIII급 중학생을 위한 SPLDV 자료에 대한 VBA 파워포인트 기반 학습매체 개발을 목적으로 한다. [37] 본 연구의 대상은 논리적인 수학적 지능이 높은 8학년 중학생 1명을 대상으로 하였다. [38] 체육학습에 대한 8반 중학교 학생들의 관심. [39] 이 글은 8학년 중학생을 대상으로 통계자료에 적용한 프로젝트 기반 학습 모델을 설명하는 것을 목적으로 하는 문헌 연구이다. [40] 데이터 소스는 VIII 중학교 Nurul Ikhlas Padang Panjang에서 학습에서 교사의 화법입니다. [41] 연구 대상은 숨바와 리젠시 소재 사회교육 교사 27명과 8학년 중학교 학생 450명이었다. [42] 본 연구의 피험자는 VIII 중학교(SMP) 학생 총 32명이었다. [43] 공격 지역의 한 중학교에서 10 학년 VIII 중학생을 대상으로 실시한 전문가 테스트 및 제한 실험 결과에 따르면 지원을 위한 메타인지 비계 및 6% 수학적 반성이 있는 대화형 교재와 관련이 있음은 부인할 수 없습니다. [44] 본 연구는 8급 중학교 수학 문제를 푸는 등반가 학생들의 메타인지 능력을 기술하는 것을 목적으로 한다. [45]
human respiratory system 인간의 호흡기
The purpose of the research was to develop a human respiratory system supplement book based on augmented reality technology as a valid and appropriate teaching material for grade VIII junior high school students The role of this AR technology-based supplement book will be one of the teaching materials to support the weaknesses of the main book The development of supplement books based on augmented reality technology is very suitable for students to use for independent study, especially in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic The development research model uses the model proposed by William W Lee & Diana L Owens only up to three stages, namely: (1) assessment / analysis (assessment / analysis) which consists of needs analysis and preliminary analysis, (2) design (design), and (3) development (development) The results of research and development of human respiratory system supplement books based on augmented reality technology are in the very feasible category with the percentage of validity and feasibility of material 97 4% and media 94 8% This it can be concluded that the development of a human respiratory system supplement book based on augmented reality technology as a teaching material for seventh grade students of junior high school is feasible and worthy of being used as a source of independent learning in science subjects in particular in the field of human respiration system material both inside and outside the classroom © 2021 Author(s). [1]연구 목적은 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 인간 호흡기 계통 보충 교재를 8학년 중학생에게 유효하고 적절한 교재로 개발하는 것이었습니다. 이 AR 기술 기반 보충 교재의 역할은 교재 중 하나가 될 것입니다. 본서의 약점을 보완하기 위해 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 보충 교재의 개발은 특히 Covid-19 전염병 시대에 학생들이 독립적인 학습에 사용하기에 매우 적합합니다. 개발 연구 모델은 William W가 제안한 모델을 사용합니다. Lee & Diana L Owens는 (1) 수요 분석 및 예비 분석으로 구성된 평가/분석(평가/분석), (2) 설계(설계), (3) 개발(개발)의 3단계까지만 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 인간호흡기 보조책 연구개발 결과는 타당도 비율로 매우 실현 가능한 범주에 속한다. 및 자료의 타당성 97 4% 및 미디어 94 8% 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 인간 호흡기 계통 보충 교재를 중학교 7학년 학생들을 위한 교재로 개발하는 것이 실현 가능하고 가치가 있다고 결론지을 수 있다. 과학 과목, 특히 인간 호흡 시스템 분야의 교실 안팎에서 독립적인 학습의 소스로 사용됨 © 2021 Author(s). [1]
Clas Viii Junior 클래스 VIII 주니어
The population of this study were all students of class VIII Junior High School 2 Sigi and the sample in this study were class VIII A and VIII B which were divided into experimental class and control class. [1] Based on the results of the calculation of normalized gain score known that the percentage increase in mathematics learning achievement class VIII Junior High School Christian 1 Soe after taught with the source of learning based on ethnomatematics with PjBL model is 60% are in the category of being. [2] 3988 e-ISSN : 2686-5807 | p-ISSN : 2686-5793 206 students of class VIII Junior High School 29 Padang which consisted of 264 people. [3] Based on the analysis carried out, the conclusion is that unisono vocal learning in class VIII junior high school Bina Tama Palembang has been going well. [4] The population is students of class VIII junior high school students in one of the cities in Sumatera Barat selected through purposive sampling techniques. [5] This study aims to develop a learning model of passing volleyball for class VIII junior high school students. [6] The study population was all students of class VIII Junior High School Darul Ihsan Aceh Besar, and the sample selection was using random sampling techniques so that 60 students were selected as the research sample who were divided into two classes. [7] Thus Ha can be submitted it can be accepted, that the push up exercise varies with the results overheadpass in the volleyball extracurricular activities of male students class VIII Junior High School Muhammadiyah Megang Sakti Musi Rawas. [8] IMPROVING STUDENTS' SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS IN IPA SUBJECTS, THE CONCEPT OF LIQUID PRESSURE THROUGH THE STEM (SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING MATHEMATIC) APPROACH IN CLASS VIII JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (SMPN 4 KOTA BOGOR) This research is a Classroom Action Research by providing action on research subjects in two learning cycles. [9] Try Out was done on nine students of class VIII Junior High School. [10] This research aims to produce a bilingual illustrated module product based on predict, observe, explain (POE) on the probability material for class VIII Junior High School/MTs which is valid and practical. [11] Developing an assessment test in the middle of semester 2 in the VIII science class of junior high school : This study aims to: (1) develop the Middle Semester 2 assessment questions to measure the achievement of science competencies of class VIII junior high school students, (2) know the theoretical quality of the Middle Semester 2 Science class VIII Middle Assessment questions, and (3) determine the empirical quality of the questions Middle Semester 2 Science Assessment Class VIII according to classical theory. [12] The results were an increase in volleyball passing skills using the method of playing bouncing ball in class VIII junior high school students 19 Pontianak, namely in the pre-cycle student completeness only reached 25%, then there was an increase in cycle I of 63% and there was an increase in cycle 2 to 78%. [13] This study aims to produce constructivism-based interactive mathematics learning media that is valid and practical on flat-sided building materials for class VIII junior high school students. [14] The author uses a population of class VIII junior high school students with a sample of 27 students. [15] Based on the weaknesses that were found, the booklet was developed as an independent learning resources of natural science in class VIII junior high school. [16] The purpose of this study is to see an increase in learning outcomes in the material growth and development in class VIII Junior High School Number 17 Palembang. [17] This study aims to determine the effect of emotional intelligence on the learning achievement of class VIII junior high school. [18] These results indicate that appropriate teaching aids are used to train science process skills of class VIII junior high school students. [19] The research sample is class VIII junior high school students. [20] The population in this study were all students of class VIII junior high school in Cirebon. [21] The expert trial results stated that Adobe Flash CS6-based the multimedia of Science learning on pressure material in the circulatory and respiratory systems in humans for students of Class VIII junior high school was under the design, and the material included inappropriate used as science learning multimedia. [22] The purpose of this study was to describe the application of the Niteni, Nirokke, and Nambahi processes in Indonesian Students' Textbooks for Class VIII Junior High School Students in 2013 Curriculum. [23] This study aims to develop VBA Powerpoint based learning media on SPLDV material for class VIII junior high school students. [24] Interest of students of class VIII junior high school on athletic learning. [25] The data source is the teacher's speech act in learning in class VIII Junior High School Nurul Ikhlas Padang Panjang. [26] Subjects in this study were students of class VIII Junior High School (SMP) totaling 32 people. [27] This research aims to describe metacognitive skills of climber students in solving mathematic problems in class VIII junior high school. [28]본 연구의 모집단은 Ⅷ중학교 2시기의 모든 학생이었고 본 연구의 표본은 실험반과 통제반으로 나누어진 ⅧA반과 ⅧB반이었다. [1] 정규화된 게인 점수 계산 결과에 따르면 수학 학습 성취도 8등급 중학교 기독교 1학년 1학기 이후 PjBL 모델로 민족학 기반 학습원으로 강의한 후 60% 증가하는 범주에 속한다. . [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] nan [9] nan [10] nan [11] nan [12] nan [13] nan [14] nan [15] nan [16] nan [17] 본 연구는 8급 중학교의 학습성취도에 감성지능이 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것을 목적으로 한다. [18] 이러한 결과는 8급 중학생의 과학과정 기술 훈련에 적절한 교재가 사용되었음을 시사한다. [19] 연구표본은 8학년 중학생이다. [20] 이 연구의 모집단은 Cirebon에 있는 VIII 중학교의 모든 학생이었습니다. [21] 전문가 실험 결과, 8급 중학생을 위한 인간의 순환계 및 호흡기계 압력 재료에 대한 Adobe Flash CS6 기반의 과학 학습 멀티미디어가 설계 중이며, 포함된 자료가 부적절하여 과학 학습 멀티미디어로 사용되는 것으로 나타났습니다. . [22] 본 연구의 목적은 2013학년도 8학년 중학생을 위한 인도네시아 학생 교과서에 Niteni, Nirokke, Nambahi 과정을 적용한 내용을 기술하는 것이다. [23] 본 연구는 VIII급 중학생을 위한 SPLDV 자료에 대한 VBA 파워포인트 기반 학습매체 개발을 목적으로 한다. [24] 체육학습에 대한 8반 중학교 학생들의 관심. [25] 데이터 소스는 VIII 중학교 Nurul Ikhlas Padang Panjang에서 학습에서 교사의 화법입니다. [26] 본 연구의 피험자는 VIII 중학교(SMP) 학생 총 32명이었다. [27] 본 연구는 8급 중학교 수학 문제를 푸는 등반가 학생들의 메타인지 능력을 기술하는 것을 목적으로 한다. [28]
Grade Viii Junior 8학년 주니어
Therefore, an important result of this study is the use of science learning material on motion in daily life theme has a significant effect on increasing the knowledge and new literacy skills of grade VIII junior high school students at a 95% confidence level. [1] From the research conducted, it was obtained that the RME-based learning design for the topic of Probability was practical so that the RME-based learning design of probability topics that were implemented to teacher books and student books could be used to develop mathematical communication skills of grade viii junior high school students. [2] The critical reading module of exposition text with a reflective approach was declared very feasible to improve critical reading skills as well as providing knowledge about exposition text to students of grade VIII junior high school. [3] The flip chart that have been produced validated by using validation sheets by 4 validators who expert on media and material, then tested on 20 grade VIII junior high school student. [4] This study aims to determine the effect of the use of Jigsaw learning model on mutual respect in grade VIII junior high school students. [5] Researchers are finally interested in conducting research on the design of learning applications for Android-based mobile apps on the subject of art and culture, the material of arranging traditional dance movements for grade VIII junior high school students. [6] The design of this study is a survey research with the study population was all grade VIII junior high school students in South Sulawesi. [7] The purpose of this study was to describe the creative thinking profile of grade VIII junior high school students in terms of learning styles in solving quadrilateral problems. [8] The purpose of the research was to develop a human respiratory system supplement book based on augmented reality technology as a valid and appropriate teaching material for grade VIII junior high school students The role of this AR technology-based supplement book will be one of the teaching materials to support the weaknesses of the main book The development of supplement books based on augmented reality technology is very suitable for students to use for independent study, especially in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic The development research model uses the model proposed by William W Lee & Diana L Owens only up to three stages, namely: (1) assessment / analysis (assessment / analysis) which consists of needs analysis and preliminary analysis, (2) design (design), and (3) development (development) The results of research and development of human respiratory system supplement books based on augmented reality technology are in the very feasible category with the percentage of validity and feasibility of material 97 4% and media 94 8% This it can be concluded that the development of a human respiratory system supplement book based on augmented reality technology as a teaching material for seventh grade students of junior high school is feasible and worthy of being used as a source of independent learning in science subjects in particular in the field of human respiration system material both inside and outside the classroom © 2021 Author(s). [9] This study aims to develop a learning tool based on open-ended with jumping task on the material of the system of linear equations in a two variable for grade VIII junior high school students and to determine the effects on students’ creative thinking ability. [10] This study uses a mixed method with the research subjects being autistic grade VIII junior high school girls. [11] This research involved 35 grade VIII junior high schools; one of them with moderate math skills was chosen as the main subject. [12] The subject of this study consisted of one grade VIII junior high school student who had high logical mathematical intelligence. [13] This article is literature study which aims to describe the Project-Based Learning Model that is applied in statistical materials for students in Grade VIII junior high school. [14] Research subjects were 27 teachers of social studies education and 450 students in grade VIII junior high schools of Sumbawa Regency. [15] Based on the results of expert tests and limited trials conducted on 10 grade VIII junior high school students in one of the junior high schools in the attack district it is undeniably related to interactive teaching materials with metacognitive scaffolding for support and 6% mathematical reflective. [16]따라서 본 연구의 중요한 결과는 95% 신뢰수준에서 8학년 중학생의 지식과 새로운 문해력 향상에 일상생활 주제의 과학학습자료 활용이 유의미한 영향을 미친다는 것이다. [1] 수행한 연구 결과, 확률 주제에 대한 RME 기반 학습 설계는 교사용 도서 및 학생용 도서에 구현된 확률 주제의 RME 기반 학습 설계가 수학적 의사소통 능력 개발에 활용될 수 있도록 실용적임을 알 수 있었다. 8학년 중학생. [2] nan [3] nan [4] nan [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] 연구 목적은 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 인간 호흡기 계통 보충 교재를 8학년 중학생에게 유효하고 적절한 교재로 개발하는 것이었습니다. 이 AR 기술 기반 보충 교재의 역할은 교재 중 하나가 될 것입니다. 본서의 약점을 보완하기 위해 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 보충 교재의 개발은 특히 Covid-19 전염병 시대에 학생들이 독립적인 학습에 사용하기에 매우 적합합니다. 개발 연구 모델은 William W가 제안한 모델을 사용합니다. Lee & Diana L Owens는 (1) 수요 분석 및 예비 분석으로 구성된 평가/분석(평가/분석), (2) 설계(설계), (3) 개발(개발)의 3단계까지만 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 인간호흡기 보조책 연구개발 결과는 타당도 비율로 매우 실현 가능한 범주에 속한다. 및 자료의 타당성 97 4% 및 미디어 94 8% 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 인간 호흡기 계통 보충 교재를 중학교 7학년 학생들을 위한 교재로 개발하는 것이 실현 가능하고 가치가 있다고 결론지을 수 있다. 과학 과목, 특히 인간 호흡 시스템 분야의 교실 안팎에서 독립적인 학습의 소스로 사용됨 © 2021 Author(s). [9] nan [10] 이 연구는 연구 대상이 자폐 8급 중학생인 혼합 방법을 사용합니다. [11] 이 연구는 35개 학년 VIII 중학교를 대상으로 했습니다. 그 중 중등도의 수학 능력을 가진 하나가 주요 과목으로 선택되었습니다. [12] 본 연구의 대상은 논리적인 수학적 지능이 높은 8학년 중학생 1명을 대상으로 하였다. [13] 이 글은 8학년 중학생을 대상으로 통계자료에 적용한 프로젝트 기반 학습 모델을 설명하는 것을 목적으로 하는 문헌 연구이다. [14] 연구 대상은 숨바와 리젠시 소재 사회교육 교사 27명과 8학년 중학교 학생 450명이었다. [15] 공격 지역의 한 중학교에서 10 학년 VIII 중학생을 대상으로 실시한 전문가 테스트 및 제한 실험 결과에 따르면 지원을 위한 메타인지 비계 및 6% 수학적 반성이 있는 대화형 교재와 관련이 있음은 부인할 수 없습니다. [16]
viii junior high Viii 중학교
The population of this study were all students of class VIII Junior High School 2 Sigi and the sample in this study were class VIII A and VIII B which were divided into experimental class and control class. [1] Based on the results of the calculation of normalized gain score known that the percentage increase in mathematics learning achievement class VIII Junior High School Christian 1 Soe after taught with the source of learning based on ethnomatematics with PjBL model is 60% are in the category of being. [2] Therefore, an important result of this study is the use of science learning material on motion in daily life theme has a significant effect on increasing the knowledge and new literacy skills of grade VIII junior high school students at a 95% confidence level. [3] 3988 e-ISSN : 2686-5807 | p-ISSN : 2686-5793 206 students of class VIII Junior High School 29 Padang which consisted of 264 people. [4] From the research conducted, it was obtained that the RME-based learning design for the topic of Probability was practical so that the RME-based learning design of probability topics that were implemented to teacher books and student books could be used to develop mathematical communication skills of grade viii junior high school students. [5] Based on the analysis carried out, the conclusion is that unisono vocal learning in class VIII junior high school Bina Tama Palembang has been going well. [6] The population is students of class VIII junior high school students in one of the cities in Sumatera Barat selected through purposive sampling techniques. [7] This study aims to develop a learning model of passing volleyball for class VIII junior high school students. [8] The study population was all students of class VIII Junior High School Darul Ihsan Aceh Besar, and the sample selection was using random sampling techniques so that 60 students were selected as the research sample who were divided into two classes. [9] Thus Ha can be submitted it can be accepted, that the push up exercise varies with the results overheadpass in the volleyball extracurricular activities of male students class VIII Junior High School Muhammadiyah Megang Sakti Musi Rawas. [10] IMPROVING STUDENTS' SCIENCE PROCESS SKILLS IN IPA SUBJECTS, THE CONCEPT OF LIQUID PRESSURE THROUGH THE STEM (SCIENCE TECHNOLOGY ENGINEERING MATHEMATIC) APPROACH IN CLASS VIII JUNIOR HIGH SCHOOL (SMPN 4 KOTA BOGOR) This research is a Classroom Action Research by providing action on research subjects in two learning cycles. [11] The critical reading module of exposition text with a reflective approach was declared very feasible to improve critical reading skills as well as providing knowledge about exposition text to students of grade VIII junior high school. [12] The flip chart that have been produced validated by using validation sheets by 4 validators who expert on media and material, then tested on 20 grade VIII junior high school student. [13] This study aims to determine the effect of the use of Jigsaw learning model on mutual respect in grade VIII junior high school students. [14] Try Out was done on nine students of class VIII Junior High School. [15] Researchers are finally interested in conducting research on the design of learning applications for Android-based mobile apps on the subject of art and culture, the material of arranging traditional dance movements for grade VIII junior high school students. [16] The design of this study is a survey research with the study population was all grade VIII junior high school students in South Sulawesi. [17] The purpose of this study was to describe the creative thinking profile of grade VIII junior high school students in terms of learning styles in solving quadrilateral problems. [18] The subjects of this study were 32 students of VIII Junior High School in Gresik. [19] This research aims to produce a bilingual illustrated module product based on predict, observe, explain (POE) on the probability material for class VIII Junior High School/MTs which is valid and practical. [20] Developing an assessment test in the middle of semester 2 in the VIII science class of junior high school : This study aims to: (1) develop the Middle Semester 2 assessment questions to measure the achievement of science competencies of class VIII junior high school students, (2) know the theoretical quality of the Middle Semester 2 Science class VIII Middle Assessment questions, and (3) determine the empirical quality of the questions Middle Semester 2 Science Assessment Class VIII according to classical theory. [21] The purpose of the research was to develop a human respiratory system supplement book based on augmented reality technology as a valid and appropriate teaching material for grade VIII junior high school students The role of this AR technology-based supplement book will be one of the teaching materials to support the weaknesses of the main book The development of supplement books based on augmented reality technology is very suitable for students to use for independent study, especially in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic The development research model uses the model proposed by William W Lee & Diana L Owens only up to three stages, namely: (1) assessment / analysis (assessment / analysis) which consists of needs analysis and preliminary analysis, (2) design (design), and (3) development (development) The results of research and development of human respiratory system supplement books based on augmented reality technology are in the very feasible category with the percentage of validity and feasibility of material 97 4% and media 94 8% This it can be concluded that the development of a human respiratory system supplement book based on augmented reality technology as a teaching material for seventh grade students of junior high school is feasible and worthy of being used as a source of independent learning in science subjects in particular in the field of human respiration system material both inside and outside the classroom © 2021 Author(s). [22] The results were an increase in volleyball passing skills using the method of playing bouncing ball in class VIII junior high school students 19 Pontianak, namely in the pre-cycle student completeness only reached 25%, then there was an increase in cycle I of 63% and there was an increase in cycle 2 to 78%. [23] This study aims to produce constructivism-based interactive mathematics learning media that is valid and practical on flat-sided building materials for class VIII junior high school students. [24] The author uses a population of class VIII junior high school students with a sample of 27 students. [25] Based on the weaknesses that were found, the booklet was developed as an independent learning resources of natural science in class VIII junior high school. [26] The purpose of this study is to see an increase in learning outcomes in the material growth and development in class VIII Junior High School Number 17 Palembang. [27] This study aims to develop a learning tool based on open-ended with jumping task on the material of the system of linear equations in a two variable for grade VIII junior high school students and to determine the effects on students’ creative thinking ability. [28] This study aims to determine the effect of emotional intelligence on the learning achievement of class VIII junior high school. [29] This study uses a mixed method with the research subjects being autistic grade VIII junior high school girls. [30] This research involved 35 grade VIII junior high schools; one of them with moderate math skills was chosen as the main subject. [31] These results indicate that appropriate teaching aids are used to train science process skills of class VIII junior high school students. [32] The research sample is class VIII junior high school students. [33] The population in this study were all students of class VIII junior high school in Cirebon. [34] The expert trial results stated that Adobe Flash CS6-based the multimedia of Science learning on pressure material in the circulatory and respiratory systems in humans for students of Class VIII junior high school was under the design, and the material included inappropriate used as science learning multimedia. [35] The purpose of this study was to describe the application of the Niteni, Nirokke, and Nambahi processes in Indonesian Students' Textbooks for Class VIII Junior High School Students in 2013 Curriculum. [36] This study aims to develop VBA Powerpoint based learning media on SPLDV material for class VIII junior high school students. [37] The subject of this study consisted of one grade VIII junior high school student who had high logical mathematical intelligence. [38] Interest of students of class VIII junior high school on athletic learning. [39] This article is literature study which aims to describe the Project-Based Learning Model that is applied in statistical materials for students in Grade VIII junior high school. [40] The data source is the teacher's speech act in learning in class VIII Junior High School Nurul Ikhlas Padang Panjang. [41] Research subjects were 27 teachers of social studies education and 450 students in grade VIII junior high schools of Sumbawa Regency. [42] Subjects in this study were students of class VIII Junior High School (SMP) totaling 32 people. [43] Based on the results of expert tests and limited trials conducted on 10 grade VIII junior high school students in one of the junior high schools in the attack district it is undeniably related to interactive teaching materials with metacognitive scaffolding for support and 6% mathematical reflective. [44] This research aims to describe metacognitive skills of climber students in solving mathematic problems in class VIII junior high school. [45]본 연구의 모집단은 Ⅷ중학교 2시기의 모든 학생이었고 본 연구의 표본은 실험반과 통제반으로 나누어진 ⅧA반과 ⅧB반이었다. [1] 정규화된 게인 점수 계산 결과에 따르면 수학 학습 성취도 8등급 중학교 기독교 1학년 1학기 이후 PjBL 모델로 민족학 기반 학습원으로 강의한 후 60% 증가하는 범주에 속한다. . [2] 따라서 본 연구의 중요한 결과는 95% 신뢰수준에서 8학년 중학생의 지식과 새로운 문해력 향상에 일상생활 주제의 과학학습자료 활용이 유의미한 영향을 미친다는 것이다. [3] nan [4] 수행한 연구 결과, 확률 주제에 대한 RME 기반 학습 설계는 교사용 도서 및 학생용 도서에 구현된 확률 주제의 RME 기반 학습 설계가 수학적 의사소통 능력 개발에 활용될 수 있도록 실용적임을 알 수 있었다. 8학년 중학생. [5] nan [6] nan [7] nan [8] nan [9] nan [10] nan [11] nan [12] nan [13] nan [14] nan [15] nan [16] nan [17] nan [18] 이 연구의 대상은 Gresik에 있는 VIII 중학교 학생 32명이었다. [19] nan [20] nan [21] 연구 목적은 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 인간 호흡기 계통 보충 교재를 8학년 중학생에게 유효하고 적절한 교재로 개발하는 것이었습니다. 이 AR 기술 기반 보충 교재의 역할은 교재 중 하나가 될 것입니다. 본서의 약점을 보완하기 위해 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 보충 교재의 개발은 특히 Covid-19 전염병 시대에 학생들이 독립적인 학습에 사용하기에 매우 적합합니다. 개발 연구 모델은 William W가 제안한 모델을 사용합니다. Lee & Diana L Owens는 (1) 수요 분석 및 예비 분석으로 구성된 평가/분석(평가/분석), (2) 설계(설계), (3) 개발(개발)의 3단계까지만 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 인간호흡기 보조책 연구개발 결과는 타당도 비율로 매우 실현 가능한 범주에 속한다. 및 자료의 타당성 97 4% 및 미디어 94 8% 증강현실 기술을 기반으로 한 인간 호흡기 계통 보충 교재를 중학교 7학년 학생들을 위한 교재로 개발하는 것이 실현 가능하고 가치가 있다고 결론지을 수 있다. 과학 과목, 특히 인간 호흡 시스템 분야의 교실 안팎에서 독립적인 학습의 소스로 사용됨 © 2021 Author(s). [22] nan [23] nan [24] nan [25] nan [26] nan [27] nan [28] 본 연구는 8급 중학교의 학습성취도에 감성지능이 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것을 목적으로 한다. [29] 이 연구는 연구 대상이 자폐 8급 중학생인 혼합 방법을 사용합니다. [30] 이 연구는 35개 학년 VIII 중학교를 대상으로 했습니다. 그 중 중등도의 수학 능력을 가진 하나가 주요 과목으로 선택되었습니다. [31] 이러한 결과는 8급 중학생의 과학과정 기술 훈련에 적절한 교재가 사용되었음을 시사한다. [32] 연구표본은 8학년 중학생이다. [33] 이 연구의 모집단은 Cirebon에 있는 VIII 중학교의 모든 학생이었습니다. [34] 전문가 실험 결과, 8급 중학생을 위한 인간의 순환계 및 호흡기계 압력 재료에 대한 Adobe Flash CS6 기반의 과학 학습 멀티미디어가 설계 중이며, 포함된 자료가 부적절하여 과학 학습 멀티미디어로 사용되는 것으로 나타났습니다. . [35] 본 연구의 목적은 2013학년도 8학년 중학생을 위한 인도네시아 학생 교과서에 Niteni, Nirokke, Nambahi 과정을 적용한 내용을 기술하는 것이다. [36] 본 연구는 VIII급 중학생을 위한 SPLDV 자료에 대한 VBA 파워포인트 기반 학습매체 개발을 목적으로 한다. [37] 본 연구의 대상은 논리적인 수학적 지능이 높은 8학년 중학생 1명을 대상으로 하였다. [38] 체육학습에 대한 8반 중학교 학생들의 관심. [39] 이 글은 8학년 중학생을 대상으로 통계자료에 적용한 프로젝트 기반 학습 모델을 설명하는 것을 목적으로 하는 문헌 연구이다. [40] 데이터 소스는 VIII 중학교 Nurul Ikhlas Padang Panjang에서 학습에서 교사의 화법입니다. [41] 연구 대상은 숨바와 리젠시 소재 사회교육 교사 27명과 8학년 중학교 학생 450명이었다. [42] 본 연구의 피험자는 VIII 중학교(SMP) 학생 총 32명이었다. [43] 공격 지역의 한 중학교에서 10 학년 VIII 중학생을 대상으로 실시한 전문가 테스트 및 제한 실험 결과에 따르면 지원을 위한 메타인지 비계 및 6% 수학적 반성이 있는 대화형 교재와 관련이 있음은 부인할 수 없습니다. [44] 본 연구는 8급 중학교 수학 문제를 푸는 등반가 학생들의 메타인지 능력을 기술하는 것을 목적으로 한다. [45]