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Versus Stable sentence examples within acute coronary syndrome

Comparison of the improvement of flow-mediated dilatation in patients with acute coronary syndrome versus stable angina after six-month cardiac rehabilitation.

Versus Stable sentence examples within Unstable Versus Stable

Multisensory postural control in adults: Variation in visual, haptic, and proprioceptive inputs.

Expression of Resistin, Chemerin, and Chemerin’s Receptor in the Unstable Carotid Atherosclerotic Plaque

Versus Stable sentence examples within Los Versus Stable

Prediction of all-cause and cardiovascular mortality with weight loss in patients with chronic heart failure: a meta-analysis

Associations of Weight Change With Changes in Calf Muscle Characteristics and Functional Decline in Peripheral Artery Disease

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Versus Stable sentence examples within Exacerbation Versus Stable

A comparative study of platelet indices in stable versus acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Severe exacerbations in moderate-to-severe asthmatics are associated with increased pro-inflammatory and type 1 mediators in sputum and serum

Versus Stable sentence examples within Improved Versus Stable

Real-world migraine-related healthcare resource utilization and costs associated with improved vs. worsened/stable migraine: a panel-based chart review in France, Germany, Italy, and Spain.

Renal function in myocardial infarction: does serum creatinine tells the whole story?

Versus Stable sentence examples within Increasing Versus Stable

Non-invasively measured brain activity and radiological progression in diffuse glioma

Non-invasively measured brain activity and radiological progression in diffuse glioma

Versus Stable sentence examples within versus stable disease

P11.01 Symptom networks in glioma: a novel approach to study multidimensional symptomatology in glioma patients

Tumor mutational burden and immune infiltrates in renal cell carcinoma and matched brain metastases

Versus Stable sentence examples within versus stable angina

Comparison of the improvement of flow-mediated dilatation in patients with acute coronary syndrome versus stable angina after six-month cardiac rehabilitation.

The Pathophysiology of Myocardial Ischemia and Perioperative Myocardial Infarction.

Versus Stable sentence examples within versus stable patient

The Age-AST-D Dimer (AAD) Regression Model Predicts Severe COVID-19 Disease

Determining a target SpO2 to maintain PaO2 within a physiological range

Versus Stable sentence examples within versus stable tumor

Non-invasively measured brain activity and radiological progression in diffuse glioma

Non-invasively measured brain activity and radiological progression in diffuse glioma

Quantitation of cancer treatment response by 2-[18F]FDG PET/CT: multi-center assessment of measurement variability using AUTO-PERCIST™

Increase of weight-bearing capacity of patients with lesions of the TFCC using a wrist brace.

Long-term Patterns of Self-reported Opioid Use, VACS Index, and Mortality Among People with HIV Engaged in Care

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Versus Stable 대 안정

Versus Stable 대 안정
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