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Useful Knowledge sentence examples within promote adaptive behavior

Developmental change in prefrontal cortex recruitment supports the emergence of value-guided memory

Developmental change in prefrontal cortex recruitment supports the emergence of value-guided memory

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Provide Useful Knowledge

Development of phenazine-2,3-diol-based photosensitizers: effect of formyl groups on singlet oxygen generation

A Study on the Definition of Some Biochemical Parameters and Oxidative Status According to Milk Yield in Cows

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Extracting Useful Knowledge

Data stream analysis: Foundations, major tasks and tools

Student performance classification and prediction in fully online environment using Decision tree

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Extract Useful Knowledge

A Regularization-Based Big Data Framework for Winter Precipitation Forecasting on Streaming Data

A graph-based context-aware requirement elicitation approach in smart product-service systems

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Provided Useful Knowledge

Structural and emulsion stabilization comparison of four gelatins from two freshwater and two marine fish skins.

Genome-wide identification and functional analysis of U-box E3 ubiquitin ligases gene family related to drought stress response in Chinese white pear (Pyrus bretschneideri)

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Generate Useful Knowledge

Scientific mapping of the knowledge on the El Cielo Biosphere Reserve

COVID-19 vaccine candidates and vaccine development platforms available worldwide

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Gain Useful Knowledge

Peningkatan Pemahaman Masyarakat Melalui Sosialisasi Hukum tentang Akta Otentik


Useful Knowledge sentence examples within New Useful Knowledge

Comparison of different similarity measures in hierarchical clustering

Citizen volunteers detect SARS-CoV-2 RNA from outdoor urban fomites

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Acquire Useful Knowledge

Implementation of Kahoot as a Creative Learning Media

Learning from Many: Partner Exposure and Team Familiarity in Fluid Teams

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Obtain Useful Knowledge

Analysis of Gaze Time Spent at the Gazing Point that is Required During Reading

Using Analog Models based in Physical Systems for Technology Management Processes

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Providing Useful Knowledge

The HydroSocial Cycle approach to deepen on socio-ecological systems analysis and water management

The Importance Of Fulfillment Of Parenting Patterns And Learning Culture In Pp Muhamadiyah, In Meri Village, Mojokerto

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Generating Useful Knowledge

De la práctica a la investigación en el arte contemporáneo, producir conocimiento desde la creación

Value-based healthcare: the role of laboratory medicine

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Sharing Useful Knowledge

Using Ontologies to aid Knowledge Sharing in HCI Design

Genetic Programming Hyper-heuristics for Dynamic Flexible Job Shop Scheduling

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Create Useful Knowledge

Challenges Threatening Agricultural Sustainability in the West of Iran: Viewpoint of Agricultural Experts

Exchange of knowledge in protected environments. The case of university business incubators

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Capture Useful Knowledge

GSIRec: Learning with graph side information for recommendation

Multi-fidelity global optimization using a data-mining strategy for computationally intensive black-box problems

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Learn Useful Knowledge

Rebalancing Bike-Sharing System With Deep Sequential Learning

Skin Lesion Classification by Multi-View Filtered Transfer Learning

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Present Useful Knowledge

Dual RNA-Sequencing Analysis of Resistant (Pinus pinea) and Susceptible (Pinus radiata) Hosts during Fusarium circinatum Challenge

Advances in thermal modeling and analysis of satellites

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Socially Useful Knowledge

Research, partnership, intervention: the triptych of population health intervention research

Terrorism Confidential: Ethics, Primary Data and the Construction of “Necessary Fictions”

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Potentially Useful Knowledge

Towards a Humean epistemic ideal: Contested alternatives and the ideology of modern science

Societies within peace systems avoid war and build positive intergroup relationships

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Produced Useful Knowledge

Anticipating farmer outcomes of three genetically modified staple crops in sub-Saharan Africa: Insights from farming systems research

K-Mean Clustering Algorithm in Grouping Prospective Scholarship Recipients

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Offer Useful Knowledge

A Solution to the Time-Dependent Stress Distribution in Suborbicular Backfilled Stope Interaction with Creeping Rock

Exploration of fatigue and modal analysis on mono leaf suspension made by natural composite materials

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Discover Useful Knowledge

Educational Data Mining: Discovering Principal Factors for Better Academic Performance

Investigating the Adoption of Big Data Management in Healthcare in Jordan

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within Select Useful Knowledge

Concept Drift-Tolerant Transfer Learning in Dynamic Environments.

Breaking Shortcuts by Masking for Robust Visual Reasoning

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within useful knowledge develop

Developmental change in prefrontal cortex recruitment supports the emergence of value-guided memory

Developmental change in prefrontal cortex recruitment supports the emergence of value-guided memory

Useful Knowledge sentence examples within useful knowledge regarding

Image Processing for the Prevention of Infectious Diseases

Wound healing applications of creams and “smart” hydrogels

Conversational Image Search

A review on phytochemical and pharmacological activities of some ethnomedical plants used by tribal and folk peoples of AndhraPradesh in animal health care

Analysis of association among various attributes in medical data of heart patients by using data mining methods

Implikasi Pendidikan Tentang Adab Mencatat Ilmu dari Hadits Riwayat Abu Dawud terhadap Proses Pembelajaran

Patent Analysis by Automated Mind Maps: Contribution to Sustainability in a Water and Sewage Sanitation Company

Subsurface Characterization by Means of Geovisual Analytics

The Role of Data Mining Technology in Advertising Marketing

BioMedR: an R/CRAN package for integrated data analysis pipeline in biomedical study

Big Data Driven E-Commerce Application Management System

Exploring Sources of Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction in Airbnb Accommodation Using Unsupervised and Supervised Topic Modeling

Unsupervised Heterogeneous Transfer Learning for Partial Co-occurrence Data

Multiple dispatching rules allocation in real time using data mining, genetic algorithms, and simulation

Attitudes, aptitudes, and the roots of the great enrichment

Ophthalmic manifestations of dementing disorders

Advancing family business science through context theorizing: The case of the Arab world

Comparative Studies: Teaching Activities In Technical Universities Between Engineering And Non-Engineering Educators In Malaysia

Efficient and Flexible Compression of Very Sparse Networks of Big Data

Pocket parks in English and Chinese literature: A review

The Influence of Environmental, Social and Governance Reporting on Firm Value: Malaysian Evidence

Towards Secure Fitness Framework Based on IoT-Enabled Blockchain Network Integrated with Machine Learning Algorithms

Intelligent Control and Security of Fog Resources in Healthcare Systems via a Cognitive Fog Model

Research and application progress of data mining technology in electric power system

Leveraging Control Flow Knowledge in SMT Solving of Program Verification

Consumer lifestyle before and during COVID 19 virus pandemic

Data Model For Bigdata System For Multimedia

The Simple Views of Reading and Writing in the Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, 3rd Edition

The evolution of facility management (FM) in the building information modelling (BIM) process: An opportunity to use critical success factors (CSF) for optimising built assets

Comparative Legal Rhetoric

Ethnobotanical Study of the Traditional Use and maintenance of Medicinal Plants by the People of Aleta-Chuko Woreda, South Ethiopia

The ideal republican man: teaching “Brazilian things”, useful values and their colonizing aspects

Learning from distribution-changing data streams via decision tree model reuse

One Teacher is Enough? Pre-trained Language Model Distillation from Multiple Teachers

Timekeepers and Sufi Mystics: Technical Knowledge Bearers of the Ottoman Empire.

A Timid Defence of Legal Formalism

Stiffness, compressibility, and hydraulic conductivity of compacted soil mixtures submitted to acidic percolation

Electrification of Highway Transportation with Solar and Wind Energy

Relation classification via BERT with piecewise convolution and focal loss

Schools of Empiricism

Industrialisierung und Gewerbe. Die allmähliche Durchsetzung von „nützlichem Wissen“

Introduction and Diffusion: Useful and Reliable Knowledge in Early Modern Industrial Japan.

Land, People, and the Unused Economic Potential of Hungary

Three Strategies for Describing Social Interactions of Adolescents in a Multicultural Environment—Indicators for the Quality of Life Research

Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning in Bioinformatics: Drug Discovery and Drug Repurposing

Pendidikan dalam Perspektif Hadis (Suatu Kajian Tematik dalam Bulûgh Al-Marâm)

Accounting Academics Perceptions of 12 Research Journals

Unveiling the Mechanisms to Rescue the Unknown Knowledge

TAKCO: A Platform for Extracting Novel Facts from Tables

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Useful Knowledge 유용한 지식

Useful Knowledge 유용한 지식
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