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Upper Extremity Functional sentence examples within evaluation criteria issued

Arthroscopy-assisted Sauvé-Kapandji procedure for treatment of distal radio-ulnar joint arthritis combined with extensor digitorum tendon rupture

Reconstruction of volar plate avulsion injury of proximal interphalangeal joint with mini-anchor

Upper Extremity Functional sentence examples within Brooke Upper Extremity Functional

[Non-ambulatory patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy : Recommendations for monitoring disease progression and course of treatment].

Nichtgehfähige Patienten mit Duchenne-Muskeldystrophie

Upper Extremity Functional sentence examples within upper extremity functional evaluation

Free anterolateral thigh flaps with fascia lata for repair of dorsal tendon and soft tissue defect of ophisthenar

Arthroscopy-assisted Sauvé-Kapandji procedure for treatment of distal radio-ulnar joint arthritis combined with extensor digitorum tendon rupture

Learn more from Upper Extremity Functional 상지 기능

Upper Extremity Functional sentence examples within upper extremity functional index

Prospective Surveillance Screenings to Identify Physical Therapy Needs During Breast Cancer Diagnosis and Surviviorship: A Case Report

Forearm lengthening and prosthetic management in children with transverse congenital forearm deficiency.

Upper Extremity Functional sentence examples within upper extremity functional performance

One-Year Change in the Physical Functioning of Older People According to the International Classification of Functioning Domains

Effects of task-oriented training on upper extremity functional performance in patients with sub-acute stroke: a randomized controlled trial

Upper Extremity Functional sentence examples within upper extremity functional recovery

Effect of Acupuncture Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation on Upper Limb Function in Stroke Patients

Feasibility, Safety and Efficacy of a Virtual Reality Exergame System to Supplement Upper Extremity Rehabilitation Post-Stroke: A Pilot Randomized Clinical Trial and Proof of Principle

Upper Extremity Functional sentence examples within upper extremity functional impairment

Brachial plexopathy following autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant: an unrecognized complication of autologous transplantation

Effect of segmental muscle vibration on upper extremity functional ability poststroke

Upper Extremity Functional sentence examples within upper extremity functional rating

[Non-ambulatory patients with Duchenne muscular dystrophy : Recommendations for monitoring disease progression and course of treatment].

Nichtgehfähige Patienten mit Duchenne-Muskeldystrophie

A Wrist-Worn Sensor-Derived Frailty Index Based on an Upper-Extremity Functional Test in Predicting Functional Mobility in Older Adults.

Validity and Reliability of 6-Minute Pegboard and Ring Test in Patients with Asthma.

Meme Kanseri Tedavisiyle İlişkili Lenfödemi Olan Hastalarda Lenfödem Şiddetinin Yaşam Kalitesi, Üst Ekstremite Fonksiyonu ve Fiziksel Aktivite Düzeyi Üzerindeki Etkileri

Superficial Shoulder Muscle Synergy Analysis in Facioscapulohumeral Dystrophy During Humeral Elevation Tasks

Treatment of shoulder osteoarthritis and rotator cuff tears with bone marrow concentrate and whole bone marrow injections


They have got the blues: patient’s mood- and disease activity-related psychological burden of rheumatoid arthritis on caregivers

Upper Extremity Functional 상지 기능

Upper Extremity Functional 상지 기능
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