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Underutilized Fruits sentence examples within Neglected Underutilized Fruits

Nutritional Composition of Neglected Underutilized Green Leafy Vegetables and Fruits in South East Geo-political Zone of Nigeria

Phytochemicals, In vitro Bioavailability of Beta Carotene and Anti-nutrient Composition of Some Neglected Underutilized Green Leafy Vegetables and Fruits in South East Geo-political Zone of Nigeria

Cytotoxicity and Toxicological Studies of Artocarpus altilis Extracts, Inducing Apoptosis and Cell Cycle Arrest via CASPASE-3 and CASPASE-8 Pathways Against Human Breast MCF-7 Cells.

Characterization of genes encoding key enzymes involved in sugar metabolism of matoa (Pometia pinnata)

Kokum value-added products and its sensory evaluation

Documentation of Underutilized Fruit Trees (UFTs) across indigenous communities in West Java, Indonesia

Production and Quality Evaluation of Fruit Bars from Banana (Musa sapientum) and Cashew (Anacardium occidentale) Apple Fruit Blends

Management and Conservation of Underutilized Fruits

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