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Unambiguous Evidence sentence examples within Provide Unambiguous Evidence


Doping of Monolayer Transition-Metal Dichalcogenides via Physisorption of Aromatic Solvent Molecules.

Unambiguous Evidence sentence examples within Provided Unambiguous Evidence

The Key Role of CT for Success of Adrenal Venous Sampling Illustrated by a Unique Clinical Case

A new LC-MS assay for the quantitative analysis of vitamin K metabolites in human urine[S]

Unambiguous Evidence sentence examples within First Unambiguous Evidence

Hydrogenation of carbon at 5.5–7.8 GPa and 1100–1400 °C: Implications to formation of hydrocarbons in reduced mantles of terrestrial planets

Pyrite Re-Os geochronology of the Sareke sediment-hosted Cu deposit, Xinjiang, NW China

Unambiguous Evidence sentence examples within Providing Unambiguous Evidence

Early Paleoproterozoic (ca. 2.36 Ga) post-collisional granitoids in Yunnan, SW China: Implications for linkage between Yangtze and Laurentia in the Columbia supercontinent

The G20-OECD Contribution to a New Global Tax Governance

Unambiguous Evidence sentence examples within Report Unambiguous Evidence

On the mechanism of bilayer separation by extrusion; or, why your large unilamellar vesicles are not really unilamellar

Experimental observation of dual magnetic states in topological insulators

Unambiguous Evidence sentence examples within Find Unambiguous Evidence

Environmental Control of Charge Density Wave Order in Monolayer 2H-TaS2.

Dirac Spin Liquid on the Spin-1/2 Triangular Heisenberg Antiferromagnet.

Unambiguous Evidence sentence examples within Earliest Unambiguous Evidence

Early animal evolution and highly oxygenated seafloor niches hosted by microbial mats

Black hole mass estimates in quasars - A comparative analysis of high- and low-ionization lines

Unambiguous Evidence sentence examples within Present Unambiguous Evidence

Nkx2-5 defines a subpopulation of pacemaker cells and is essential for the physiological function of the sinoatrial node in mice

Silicate‐Phenolic Networks: Coordination‐Mediated Deposition of Bioinspired Tannic Acid Coatings

Neuromorphic Devices and Networks Based on Memristors with Ionic Dynamics

An Analog from the Prehistoric Bronze Age Site of Alambra Mouttes (Cyprus) for Adornments on the Enigmatic “Vounous Bowl”

Tropospheric Ozone Assessment Report: Tropospheric ozone from 1877 to 2016, observed levels, trends and uncertainties

The fifty years it has taken to understand the dynamics of UO2 in its ordered state.

Direct Imaging of Isolated Single-Molecule Magnets in Metal-Organic Frameworks.

Revisiting the Strongest Martian X-Ray Halo Observed by XMM-Newton on 2003 November 19-21

Controllable designing of superlattice units of tiled structure and standing structure as efficient oxygen evolution electrocatalyst: self-assembled graphene and hydroxide nanosheet

A historical foundation to social work values and ethics

Subjective value, not a gridlike code, describes neural activity in ventromedial prefrontal cortex during value-based decision-making

Host contact dynamics shapes richness and dominance of pathogen strains

Extraterrestrial prebiotic molecules: photochemistry vs. radiation chemistry of interstellar ices.

Effects of historic and projected climate change on the range and impacts of an emerging wildlife disease.

Synchrotron X-Ray Real-Time Studies of the Nucleation and Growth of Intermetallic Phases in Solidification

Was the English medieval goat genuinely rare? A new morphometric approach provides the answer

Large spin anomalous Hall effect in L 1 0 − FePt : Symmetry and magnetization switching

Direct Observation of Gate Tunable Dark Trions in Monolayer WSe2.

A Twist on Nonlinear Optics: Understanding the Unique Response of π-Twisted Chromophores.

Evidence for the effectiveness of controlling muskrat (Ondatra zibethicus L.) populations by trapping

Host contact dynamics shapes richness and dominance of pathogen strains

Three-dimensional band diagram in lateral polarity junction III-nitride heterostructures

Revisiting the guns vs butter dilemma. Was Spain different in the implementation of public policies? Defence, growth and education

Spin reorientation functionality in antiferromagnetic TmFe1-xInxO3 polycrystalline samples

Why can some implicit Theory of Mind tasks be replicated and others cannot? A test of mentalizing versus submentalizing accounts

The Rise of the Gig Economy: Fact or Fiction?

Characterization of bone surface modifications on an Early to Middle Pleistocene bird assemblage from Mata Menge (Flores, Indonesia) using multifocus and confocal microscopy

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Unambiguous Evidence 명백한 증거

Unambiguous Evidence 명백한 증거
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