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Two Qubits sentence examples within Consider Two Qubits

Qubit Entanglement generation by Gaussian non-Markovian dynamics

Synthesizing multi-phonon quantum superposition states using flux-mediated three-body interactions with superconducting qubits

Two Qubits sentence examples within Entangle Two Qubits


Remote Two–Qubit Entanglement by Joint Homodyne Detection of Fluorescence

Two Qubits sentence examples within two qubits interacting

Entanglement instability in the interaction of two qubits with a common non-Markovian environment

Effect of non-Markovianity on synchronization

Learn more from Two Qubits 두 큐빗

Two Qubits sentence examples within two qubits coupled

Nonlocal advantage of quantum coherence of coupled qubits in thermal and dephasing reservoirs

Parametric-Resonance Entangling Gates with a Tunable Coupler

Two Qubits sentence examples within two qubits per

On the Stochastic Analysis of a Quantum Entanglement Distribution Switch

Qubit Regularization of Asymptotic Freedom.

Two Qubits sentence examples within two qubits vium

Tunable coupler for realizing a controlled-phase gate with dynamically decoupled regime in a superconducting circuit

Bidirectional Quantum Controlled Teleportation of Three-Qubit State by Using GHZ States

An informationally complete Wigner function for the Tavis–Cummings model

Effects of dissipation induced blockade on the dynamics of two qubits without direct interaction.

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Classification Using a Two-Qubit Quantum Chip

Entanglement of General Two-Qubit States in a Realistic Framework

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Two-qubit correlation in two independent environments with indefiniteness

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Counter rotating terms and dipole–dipole interaction effects on the entanglement and population inversion of two qubits interacting with a two-mode field

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Quantum Neural Network Parameter Estimation for Photovoltaic Fault Detection

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Asymmetric steerability of quantum equilibrium and nonequilibrium steady states through entanglement detection

Entanglement between two qubits with two-photon transitions interacting with a slightly detuned thermal field

Entanglement Robustness via Spatial Deformation of Identical Particle Wave Functions

Influence of the dissipation on the N-level atom interacting with a two two-level atoms in presence of qubit–qubit interaction

Entanglement versus Bell nonlocality of quantum nonequilibrium steady states

Influences of spin–orbit interaction on quantum speed limit and entanglement of spin qubits in coupled quantum dots

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SpinQ Gemini: a desktop quantum computing platform for education and research

An Informationally Complete Wigner Function For The Tavis-Cummings Model: Visualization of Cat Swapping and Quantum Correlations in Field-Many Atom Systems

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High-fidelity light-shift gate for clock-state qubits

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Quantum resources of the steady-state of three coupled qubits: Microscopic versus Phenomenological model

Amplification of quantum entanglement by non-Hermitian operation under phase decoherence source

Berry phases of higher spins due to internal geometry of Majorana constellation and relation to quantum entanglement

Superconductor qubits hamiltonian approximations effect on quantum state evolution and control

Synchronizing Two Superconducting Qubits through a Dissipating Resonator

Reduced Density Matrix and Quantum Correlation in Two-Qubit Quantum Rabi Model

Two-level systems coupled to Graphene plasmons: A Lindblad equation approach

Iterative quantum phase estimation on an IBM quantum processor

Information entropy and squeezing for a two two-level atom interacting with a nonlinear system

Angular spectrum influence and entanglement characterization of Gaussian-path encoded photonic qudits

Photon-assisted Landau-Zener transitions in a periodically driven Rabi dimer coupled to a dissipative mode.

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Perfect swap and transfer of arbitrary quantum states

Reducing measurement uncertainty in dissipative and dephasing environments

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Entangled quantum Unruh Otto engine is more efficient

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Controlling qubit–photon entanglement, entanglement swapping and entropic uncertainty via frequency modulation

A superconducting coplanar waveguide ring resonator as quantum bus for circuit quantum electrodynamics

Superconducting qubits in a flip-chip architecture

Deterministic bidirectional quantum-controlled teleportation with six-qubit maximally entangled state

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Controlling steady-state entanglement and quantum discord through squeezing angle

Entanglement-assisted communication in the absence of shared reference frame

On the Unitary Representations of the Braid Group B6

Implementation of a generalized controlled-NOT gate between fixed-frequency transmons

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Nonlinear couplings for quantum control of superconducting qubits and electrical/mechanical resonators

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Maximal randomness from partially entangled states

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Quantum teleportation of qudits by means of generalized quasi-Bell states of light

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Leakage mitigation for quantum error correction using a mixed qubit scheme.

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Towards quantum teleportation with quantum-dot spin qubits

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Co-Planar Waveguide Resonator to Mediate Coupling between Superconducting Quantum Bits

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Complete Characterization of Qubit Masking

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A quasiprobability distribution for heat fluctuations in the quantum regime

Continuous dynamical decoupling and decoherence-free subspaces for qubits with tunable interaction

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Quantum Simulation of Resonant Transitions for Solving the Eigenproblem of an Effective Water Hamiltonian.

An experimental quantum Bernoulli factory

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Parallel Implementation of High-Fidelity Multiqubit Gates with Neutral Atoms.

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Quantum Computing for Everyone

Purity-Based Continuity Bounds for von Neumann Entropy

Steady-state entanglement and coherence of two coupled qubits in equilibrium and nonequilibrium environments

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Good vibrations in quantum communication

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A weak form of self-testing

Realization of the Werner–Holevo and Landau–Streater Quantum Channels for Qutrits on Quantum Computers

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A (theoretical) quantum refrigerator