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Tumors Presenting sentence examples within Cell Tumors Presenting

Paraneoplastic Syndrome Associated with Kelch‐Like Protein 11 Antibodies Presenting with Progressive Ataxia and Tremor

Clinical Features and Treatment Outcomes in Patients with Extracranial Germ Cell Tumors: A Tertiary Centre Experience

Tumors Presenting sentence examples within Neural Tumors Presenting

Colonic Abrikossoff tumor: fortuitous discovery at colonoscopy for serrated adenomas polyposis, and resection by endoscopic submucosal dissection.

Septal dysembryoplastic neuroepithelial tumor: a comprehensive clinical, imaging, histopathologic, and molecular analysis.

Tumors Presenting sentence examples within Lung Tumors Presenting

Hemostatic radiotherapy

The expanding role of endobronchial ultrasound in patients with centrally located intrapulmonary tumors.

Tumors Presenting sentence examples within Malignant Tumors Presenting

A randomized prospective study of the immediate outcomes of the use of a hydro-jet dissector and an ultrasonic surgical aspirator for laparoscopic liver resection.

Effect of lipid metabolism disorder on liver function in patients with malignant tumors after chemotherapy: a case-control study

Tumors Presenting sentence examples within Brain Tumors Presenting

Hemorrhagic Stroke May Be the Sequelae of Brain Tumors

Acute-onset Mania in a Patient with Non-small Cell Lung Cancer

Tumors Presenting sentence examples within Solid Tumors Presenting

Efficient killing of tumor cells by CAR-T cells demands engagement of a larger number of CARs as opposed to TCRs.

Efficient killing of tumor cells by CAR-T cells requires greater number of engaged CARs than TCRs

Tumors Presenting sentence examples within Rhabdoid Tumors Presenting

U cơ vân ngoài thận ác tính biểu hiện tại vùng mặt ở trẻ sơ sinh

SMARCA4: Implications of an altered chromatin-remodeling gene for cancer development and therapy.

Tumors Presenting sentence examples within tumors presenting without

The expanding role of endobronchial ultrasound in patients with centrally located intrapulmonary tumors.

The expanding role of endobronchial ultrasound in patients with centrally located intrapulmonary tumors

Tumors Presenting sentence examples within tumors presenting low

Efficient killing of tumor cells by CAR-T cells demands engagement of a larger number of CARs as opposed to TCRs.

Efficient killing of tumor cells by CAR-T cells requires greater number of engaged CARs than TCRs

Transnasal transsphenoidal pituitary surgery in a large tertiary hospital, a retrospective study.

More Tumors Presenting 종양 제시 sentence examples

Clinical, morphological and immunohistochemical analysis of 13 cases of phosphaturic mesenchymal tumor - A holistic diagnostic approach.

Impact of Community-Based Clinical Breast Examinations in Botswana

Cutaneous Sarcomas.

A single-center study of the clinicopathologic correlates of gliomas with a MYB or MYBL1 alteration

Neonatal Cancer Epidemiology and Outcome: A Retrospective Study

A Low-Grade Myxoid Liposarcoma Arising in a Deep-Seated Conventional Lipoma

Sacral chordoma: a clinical review of 101 cases with 30-year experience in a single institution.

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Tumors Presenting 종양 제시

Tumors Presenting 종양 제시
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