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Travel Motivations sentence examples within Explore Travel Motivations

Exploring motivations and satisfaction of ecolodge patrons in desert areas of Iran

Travel motivations of first-time, repeat, and serial backpackers

Travel Motivations sentence examples within Determined Travel Motivations

Self-determined travel motivations and ecologically responsible attitudes of nature-based visitors to the Ramsar wetland in South China

Context-Based Leisure Travel Facilitation among People with Mobility Challenges: A Self-Determination Theory Approach


Socio-demographic determinants of travel motivation and behaviour of visitors in nature-based destinations in northern Nigeria

Understanding Potential and Repeat Visitors’ Travel Intentions: The Roles of Travel Motivations, Destination Image, and Visitor Image Congruity

Toward an understanding of segmentation strategies in international tourism marketing: the moderating effects of advertising media typesand nationality

Tourist segments of eco-cultural destinations

Long-Distance Travel and the Urban Environment: Results from a Qualitative Study in Reykjavik

Determinants and implications of travel motivations: international travellers visiting Cappadocia

The new roles of Legon Botanical Garden as visitor destination in Ghana

Being a vegetarian traveller is not easy

Transformative experiences via Airbnb: Is it the guests or the host communities that will be transformed?

Perceived risks, travel constraints and visit intention of young women travelers: the moderating role of travel motivation

Millennials’ travel motivations and desired activities within destinations: A comparative study of the US and the UK

A structural decompositional analysis of eco-visitors’ motivations, satisfaction and post-purchase behaviour

Beyond accessibility: empowering mobility-impaired customers with motivation differentiation

Travel motivation among cross border tourists: Case study of Langkawi

The Youth Tourism Market: A Structural Equation Model of Determinants and Impacts of Social Interactions

Psychological factors affecting the behavioral intention of the tourist visiting Southeastern Anatolia

The role of cultural difference and travel motivation in event participation: A cross-cultural perspective

The effects of push and pull travel motivations, personal values, and destination familiarity on tourist loyalty: a study of Chinese cigar tourists to Cuba

Travel motivations of Iranian tourists to Turkey and their satisfaction level with all-inclusive package tours

Relationships between Chinese cultural values and tourist motivations: A study of Chinese tourists visiting Israel

A psychographic segmentation of kuwaiti travelers using self-organizing maps

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Travel Motivations 여행 동기

Travel Motivations 여행 동기
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