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Transparent Object sentence examples within Optically Transparent Object

Single-shot multi-spectral digital holographic imaging through acousto-optic wavelength scanning

Separate BOS-visualization of temperature and pressure distributions in a solid medium

Transparent Object sentence examples within Highly Transparent Object

Optically transparent antenna based on carrier-doped three-layer stacked graphene

Plasmon-induced enhancement of ptychographic phase microscopy via sub-surface nanoaperture arrays

Transparent Object sentence examples within transparent object detection

Transparent object detection and location based on RGB-D camera

Transparent Object Detection Using Single-pixel Imaging and Compressive Sensing

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Transparent Object sentence examples within transparent object segmentation

Segmenting Transparent Objects in the Wild with Transformer

TransCut2: Transparent Object Segmentation From a Light-Field Image

HueCode: A Meta-marker Exposing Relative Pose and Additional Information in Different Colored Layers

Fast analytical motion blur with transparency

Efficient ESPI method to identify vibration characteristics of transparent films.

Evaluation of low-coherence interference fringe parameters by the adaptive Wiener filtering method

High-Accuracy Surface Profile Measurement Based on the Vortex Phase-Shifting Interferometry

Compact, low cost, large field-of-view self-referencing digital holographic interference microscope

Evaluation of metrological characteristics of spectral analysis method for determining erythrocyte morphology

Tomographic system for transparent objects using visible light as a source of radiation

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Objective evaluation of relighting models on translucent materials from multispectral RTI images

Stereophonic projection lithography using parabolic mirrors

CHOPIN: Scalable Graphics Rendering in Multi-GPU Systems via Parallel Image Composition

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Azimuth Angle Estimation Based on Sound Wave Reflection for Mirrors and Transparent Objects

Detecting Transparency of Glasses with Capsule Networks Based on Deep Learning

Dynamic focusing in low-coherence quantitative phase imaging with decoupling of spatio-temporal coherence gating and geometric focusing

Specular Reflection Detection and Inpainting in Transparent Object through MSPLFI

Quantitative phase-contrast by using a modified phase retrieval algorithm

Analytical Approach to the Theory of X-Ray Observation of Pores in Bulk Materials

Science, technology and Solidarity

Single-shot two-frame interference microscopy for robust quantitative phase imaging of fixed and dynamic samples

Pupil-modulation ghost phase imaging.

Utilizing the U-net architecture to achieve isotropic quantitative differential phase contrast imaging

Visual detection of tobacco packaging film based on apparent features

Light field illumination: Problem-specific lighting adjustment

More Transparent Object 투명 개체 sentence examples

Optical Coherence Microscopy for Integrated Photonics Devices Imaging

Fano-resonant ultrathin film optical coatings

Calculation of the degree of polarization based on the correlation between reflection and transmission

An Improved Augmented-Reality Framework for Differential Rendering Beyond the Lambertian-World Assumption

The color appearance of three-dimensional, curved, transparent objects

Bin-picking of Randomly Piled Shiny Industrial Objects Using Light Transport Matrix Estimation*

3D Computational Imaging

Computational-imaging-based optical coherence tomography in time- and frequency-domain

Experimental and Computational Study of the Shock-Wave Loading of Optically Transparent Objects

More Transparent Object 투명 개체 sentence examples

Imaging the unimaginable: Medical imaging in the realm of photography.

Organizational Transparency: A Literature Review and Prospects

Combining Depth Fusion and Photometric Stereo for Fine-Detailed 3D Models

Holographic display method for volume data by volume rendering.

Possibility of vergence disagreement reducing on the base of approximate restoration of the depth map

Single-Shot Analysis of Refractive Shape Using Convolutional Neural Networks

Distortion Estimation Through Explicit Modeling of the Refractive Surface

3D phase imaging for thick biological samples (Conference Presentation)

Transparent object sensing with enhanced prior from deep convolutional neural network

Visual shape perception in the case of transparent objects.

Learning Transparent Object Matting

Multi-height phase recovery combined with Fast Iterative Shrinkage-Thresholding Algorithm to handle phase microspheres from complex diffracted field in inline holography

Light Field Methods for the Visual Inspection of Transparent Objects

Fast ADMM ℓ1 minimization by applying SMW formula and multi-row simultaneous estimation for Light Transport Matrix acquisition*

Elimination of parasitic reflections for objects with high transparency in phase measuring deflectometry

Measuring the refractive index dispersion of (un)pigmented biological tissues by Jamin-Lebedeff interference microscopy

Can Transparent Virtual Objects Be Represented Realistically on OST-HMDs?

Comparison of laser triangulation, phase shift triangulation and swept source optical coherence Tomography for nondestructive inspection of objects with micrometric accuracy

Structured-light modulation analysis technique for contamination and defect detection of specular surfaces and transparent objects.

Active Mode Single Pixel Imaging in the Highly Turbid Water Environment Using Compressive Sensing

Weighted-least-squares multi-filter phase imaging with partially coherent light: characteristics of annular illumination.

Digital holographic microscopy for thickness characterization using synthetized partially coherent holograms

GlassLoc: Plenoptic Grasp Pose Detection in Transparent Clutter

Optical phase mining by adjustable spatial differentiator

Inspection of surface imperfections via height contrast imaging based on angle selective illumination

Move aside, plastic: 3D printing conquers glass

Depth Resolution Enhancement in Time-of-Flight Cameras Using Polarization State of the Reflected Light

Simultaneous Transparent and Non-Transparent Object Segmentation With Multispectral Scenes

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