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Comparative survey of gastrointestinal parasites in sympatric Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) and domestic goats using molecular host specific identification.

Climatic variables and ecological modelling data for birds, amphibians and reptiles in the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve of Meseta Ibérica (Portugal-Spain)

Comparative survey of gastrointestinal parasites in sympatric Iberian ibex (Capra pyrenaica) and domestic goats using molecular host specific identification.

Climatic variables and ecological modelling data for birds, amphibians and reptiles in the Transboundary Biosphere Reserve of Meseta Ibérica (Portugal-Spain)

A Goal Programming Model to Guide Decision-Making Processes towards Conservation Consensuses

Comparison of Random Forest, Support Vector Machines, and Neural Networks for Post-Disaster Forest Species Mapping of the Krkonoše/Karkonosze Transboundary Biosphere Reserve

Local uses of mangroves and perceived impacts of their degradation in Grand-Popo municipality, a hotspot of mangroves in Benin, West Africa

Relationship between the Geotourism Potential and Function in the Polish Part of the Roztocze Transboundary Biosphere Reserve

Caracterisation des Services Ecosystemiques dans la Reserve de Biosphere Transfrontaliere du W (RBTW) au Nord-Benin

Ecological background of the transboundary protected touristic territory in Western Altai

Ecotourism as a learning tool for sustainable development. The case of Monviso Transboundary Biosphere Reserve, Italy

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Transboundary Biosphere 접경 생물권

Transboundary Biosphere 접경 생물권
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