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Tracking Control sentence examples within maximum power point

Моделирование системы управления рысканием ветротурбины

Maximum Power Point Tracking using Light Dependent Resistor and DC motor for Solar Photovoltaic System in Kuwait

Tracking Control sentence examples within adaptive neural network

Adaptive Neural Network-Based Finite-Time Tracking Control for Nonstrict Nonaffined MIMO Nonlinear Systems

Command Filter-Based Adaptive Neural Control Design for Nonstrict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems With Multiple Actuator Constraints.

Tracking Control sentence examples within model predictive control

Integrated Steering and Differential Braking for Emergency Collision Avoidance in Autonomous Vehicles

A dynamic trajectory planning method for lane-changing maneuver of connected and automated vehicles

Tracking Control sentence examples within unmanned aerial vehicle

Adaptive Neural Discrete-Time Fractional-Order Control for a UAV System With Prescribed Performance Using Disturbance Observer

Asymptotic tracking control of an underactuated tilt trirotor unmanned aerial vehicle

Tracking Control sentence examples within event triggered adaptive

Distributed Event-Triggered Adaptive Coordinated Trajectory Tracking Control of Multi-USVs Based on the Aggregate Tracking Error

Event-triggered adaptive command filtered asymptotic tracking control for a class of flexible robotic manipulators

Tracking Control sentence examples within iterative learning control

Neural-Network-Based Iterative Learning Control for Multiple Tasks

Reinforcement Learning Tracking Control for Unknown Continuous Dynamic Systems

Tracking Control sentence examples within sliding mode control

Sliding Mode Control of a 2DOF Robot Manipulator: A Simulation Study Using Artificial Neural Networks with Minimum Parameter Learning

Disturbance Observer Based Adaptive Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller for Cable Arrangement System

Tracking Control sentence examples within autonomous underwater vehicle

Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles With Output Constraints

FSM trajectory tracking controllers of OB-AUV in the horizontal plane

Tracking Control sentence examples within adaptive finite time

Finite-time adaptive fuzzy control of output constrained permanent magnet synchronous motors

Quantized Adaptive Finite-Time Bipartite NN Tracking Control for Stochastic Multiagent Systems

Tracking Control sentence examples within wheeled mobile robot

Event-Triggered Model-Free Adaptive Iterative Learning Control for a Class of Nonlinear Systems Over Fading Channels.

Single Network Robust Adaptive Critic-Based Trajectory Tracking Control for Wheeled Mobile Robot with Wheel Sliding

Tracking Control sentence examples within adaptive dynamic programming

Adaptive dynamic programing design for the neural control of hypersonic flight vehicles

Zero-sum game-based neuro-optimal control of modular robot manipulators with uncertain disturbance using critic only policy iteration

Tracking Control sentence examples within terminal sliding mode

Fuzzy-Terminal Sliding Mode Control of a Flexible Link Manipulator

Adaptive Tracking Control of an Electronic Throttle Valve Based on Recursive Terminal Sliding Mode

Tracking Control sentence examples within active disturbance rejection

Azimuth Control for Large Aperture Telescope Based on Segmented Arc Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motors

Predictive Active Disturbance Rejection Control for Servo Systems With Communication Delays Via Sliding Mode Approach

Tracking Control sentence examples within quadrotor unmanned aerial

Compound robust tracking control of disturbed quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicles: A data-driven cascade control approach

Adaptive sliding mode finite-time control for quadrotor UAV with unknown external disturbances and drag coefficients

Tracking Control sentence examples within magnet synchronous motor

Experimental output regulation of permanent magnet synchronous motor position servo system: An internal model-based two-step control approach

Adaptive NN finite-time tracking control for PMSM with full state constraints

Tracking Control sentence examples within adaptive fault tolerant

Adaptive Fuzzy Output Feedback Fault-Tolerant Compensation for Uncertain Nonlinear Systems With Infinite Number of Time-Varying Actuator Failures and Full-State Constraints

Fault-Tolerant Formation Tracking Control for Heterogeneous Multiagent Systems with Directed Topology

Tracking Control sentence examples within strict feedback nonlinear

Adaptive neural tracking control of strict-feedback nonlinear systems with event-triggered state measurement.

Finite-Time Command Filtered Event-Triggered Adaptive Fuzzy Tracking Control for Stochastic Nonlinear Systems

Tracking Control sentence examples within nonlinear systems subject

Adaptive finite-time neural backstepping control for multiple-input–multiple-output uncertain nonlinear systems with full state constraints

Asymptotic adaptive tracking control and application to mechatronic systems

Tracking Control sentence examples within adaptive sliding mode

An adaptive hierarchical control approach of vehicle handling stability improvement based on Steer-by-Wire Systems

Composite trajectory tracking control for robot manipulator with active disturbance rejection

Tracking Control sentence examples within adaptive event triggered

Event-Triggered Adaptive Fuzzy Asymptotic Tracking Control for Single Link Robot Manipulator with Prescribed Performance

Finite-time adaptive event-triggered fault-tolerant control of nonlinear systems based on fuzzy observer

Tracking Control sentence examples within finite time attitude

Event-triggered adaptive fault-tolerant attitude synchronization and tracking control of multiple rigid bodies with finite-time convergence

Neural Network-based Finite-time Attitude Tracking Control of Spacecraft with Angular Velocity Sensor Failures and Actuator Saturation

Tracking Control sentence examples within high order nonlinear

Finite-Time Tracking Control for Nonlinear Systems via Adaptive Neural Output Feedback and Command Filtered Backstepping

Output Tracking Control for High-Order Nonlinear Systems with Time Delay via Output Feedback Design

Tracking Control sentence examples within fixed time trajectory

Reinforcement Learning-Based Fixed-Time Trajectory Tracking Control for Uncertain Robotic Manipulators With Input Saturation.

Fixed-time neural network trajectory tracking control for underactuated surface vessels

Tracking Control sentence examples within nonstrict feedback nonlinear

Fixed-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Uncertain Nonstrict-Feedback Systems with Time-Varying Constraints and Input Saturations

Event-triggered neuroadaptive output-feedback control for nonstrict-feedback nonlinear systems with given performance specifications

Tracking Control sentence examples within input multi output

Robust stabilization and tracking control schemes for disturbed multi-input multi-output Hammerstein model in presence of approximate polynomial nonlinearities

On Stability Analysis of Active Disturbance Rejection Disturbance Control for General MIMO Motion Control Systems

Tracking Control sentence examples within model free adaptive

Data Driven Model-Free Adaptive Control Method for Quadrotor Formation Trajectory Tracking Based on RISE and ISMC Algorithm

Model-Free Adaptive Security Tracking Control for Networked Control Systems

Tracking Control sentence examples within model predictive controller

Model Predictive Control With Learned Vehicle Dynamics for Autonomous Vehicle Path Tracking

Path tracking based on model predictive control with variable predictive horizon

Tracking Control sentence examples within adaptive output feedback

Adaptive output feedback tracking control for a class of nonlinearly parameterised uncertain systems

Robust Adaptive Contact Force Control of Pantograph–Catenary System: An Accelerated Output Feedback Approach

Tracking Control sentence examples within integral sliding mode

A Double Closed-loop Integral Sliding Mode Controller for Position and Attitude Tracking of Underwater Vehicle

P-Rob Six-Degree-of-Freedom Robot Manipulator Dynamics Modeling and Anti-Disturbance Control