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Tourist Sector sentence examples within Catalan Tourist Sector

Estimating the economic impact of a political conflict on tourism: The case of the Catalan separatist challenge

CORRIGENDUM: Estimating the economic impact of a political conflict on tourism the case of the Catalan Separatist Challenge

Tourist Sector sentence examples within tourist sector effectively

Estimating the economic impact of a political conflict on tourism: The case of the Catalan separatist challenge

CORRIGENDUM: Estimating the economic impact of a political conflict on tourism the case of the Catalan Separatist Challenge

More Tourist Sector 관광 부문 sentence examples

Adaptive governance and coping strategies in the Yucatan Peninsula coasts facing COVID-19

Sustainable Economy and Development of the Rural Territory: Proposal of Wine Tourism Itineraries in La Axarquía of Malaga (Spain)

Film Tourism in South-Eastern Sicily: In the Footsteps of Inspector Montalbano

China Viewed by the West before COVID-19: Spaniards’ Perceptions and Knowledge of China as a Tourist Destination

The influence of the real estate investment trust in the real estate sector on the Costa del Sol

Tourism governance during the COVID-19 pandemic crisis: A proposal for a sustainable model to restore the tourism industry

Analysis of the demand for gastronomic tourism in Andalusia (Spain)

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Pandemic, tourism, and research

The COVID-19 Pandemic Impact on the Tourist Turnover in the Republic of North Macedonia

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Анализ универсальности туристского сектора Ленинградской области

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Мониторинг административных аккаунтов, регулирующих туристическую деятельность в России (на примере сети «ВКонтакте»)

The “Don Valley” the territorial cluster tourist destination media promotion specifics

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Distribución comercial y marketing en el sector turístico cubano.

Environment, logistics and infrastructure: the three dimensions of influence of Italian coastal tourism

Toward a ‘New Normal’? Tourist Preferences Impact on Hospitality Industry Competitiveness

Willingness to accept social robots in museums: an exploratory factor analysis according to visitor profile


Analysis of the influence of cultural distance on the intention to visit Spain as a tourist destination

Recent use of habitat service value for tourism and impacts on coral reefs in the target destinations in Southern Vietnam

The role of market mavens in co-creating tourist experiences and increasing loyalty to service providers

Seasonality determinants for the main markets in Spain.

Participatory Planning in Support of Resilient Natural/Cultural Resource Management

A fuzzy GRASP for the tourist trip design with clustered POIs

Promotion and Economic Impact of Foreign Tourism

The Impact of e-WOM on Hotels Management Reputation: Exploring TripAdvisor Review Credibility With the ELM Model

Sistem Informasi Geografis Wisata Religi Berbasis Web Mobile

Impacto Socioeconómico del Turismo de la ballena gris (Eschrichtius robustus), en dos localidades de la Reserva de la Biosfera El Vizcaíno, Baja California Sur, México

A New Tool for the Analysis of the International Competitiveness of Tourist Destinations Based on Performance

Promotion and Economic Impact of Foreign Tourism

Positioning Axes of Sustainable Tourist Destinations: The Case of Aragón

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Análisis de las propuestas de reactivación económica para el sector turístico de Manabí, post 16 A.

Conceptual Perspective of Relationship Marketing in Egypt’s Tourism Industry

Data Analytics supporting decision making in the Tourism Sector


Facing new challenges in rural tourism: signaling quality via website

Atividade turística em Natal e Tibau do Sul: análise a partir de medidas de especialização para o período 2001 – 2016

The Rating Assesment of Russian Regions by the Level of Tourism Development. Analysis of the Position of the Kemerovo Region

Tourist-oriented approach in linguistic mediation

Z-Value Based Risk Assessment: The Case of Tourism Sector

Education and core skills in the performance with mediating role of employee innovation

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Tourist Sector 관광 부문

Tourist Sector 관광 부문
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