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Benefit of time-varying downscaling model for the assessment of urban temperature rise

A microscopy-compatible temperature regulation system for single-cell phenotype analysis – demonstrated by thermoresponse mapping of microalgae†

Monetary transmission in money markets: The not-so-elusive missing piece of the puzzle

The sustainability of fiscal policy in southern African countries–a comparative empirical perspective

Time dependent stop-loss reinsurance and exposure curves

Improved inference for fund alphas using high-dimensional cross-sectional tests

Does the environmental Kuznets curve for deforestation exist for Ghana? Evidence from the bootstrap rolling window Granger causality test approach

Dynamic connectedness of currencies in G7 countries: A Bayesian time-varying approach

Identifying the Role of Gold on Sustainable Investment in Indonesia: The DCC-GARCH Approach

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Time Varying Approach 시변 접근법

Time Varying Approach 시변 접근법
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