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A new technique to analyze RTN signals in resistive memories

Probing the Membrane Vibration of Single Living Cells by Using Nanopipettes

Time Traces sentence examples within Fluorescence Time Traces

A high-throughput microscopy method for single-cell analysis of event-time correlations in nanoparticle-induced cell death

A high-throughput microscopy method for single-cell analysis of event-time correlations in nanoparticle-induced cell death.

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Optical Detection of Single-Electron Tunneling into a Semiconductor Quantum Dot.

Mining Specifications from Documentation using a Crowd

Root Cause Localization for Unreproducible Builds via Causality Analysis Over System Call Tracing

Nonplanar multi-modal vibrations of fluid-conveying risers under shear cross flows

Detection, identification, and tracking of objects hidden from view with neural networks

Discrete Anatomical Coordinates for Speech Production and Synthesis

Optimizing the transformation of HYSCORE data using the maximum entropy algorithm.

Three-to-One Internal Resonance in MEMS Arch Resonators

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PerfProbe: A Systematic, Cross-Layer Performance Diagnosis Framework for Mobile Platforms

Dynamics of a Micro-VCSEL Operated in the Threshold Region Under Low-Level Optical Feedback

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Multi-joint rate of force development testing protocol affects reliability and the smallest detectible difference

On the Kinetics and Mechanism of the Thiourea Dioxide-Periodate Autocatalysis-Driven Iodine-Clock Reaction.

SMARTKT: A Search Framework to Assist Program Comprehension using Smart Knowledge Transfer

New method to analyze random telegraph signals in resistive random access memories

Using dynamic vascular optical spectroscopy to evaluate peripheral arterial disease (PAD) in patients who undergo a vascular intervention

Comment on “Observation of Fourier transform limited lines in hexagonal boron nitride”

Scalable comparison of JavaScript V8 bytecode traces

End-to-End Concolic Testing for Hardware/Software Co-Validation

Estimation of parameters from time traces originating from an Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process.

Specialization Opportunities in Graphical Workloads

Simple and robust speckle detection method for fire and heat detection in harsh environments.

Ignition of a sequential combustor: Evidence of flame propagation in the autoignitable mixture

Modulation of current-time traces by two-pore arrangements of polyimide nanofluidic diodes

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Time Traces 시간 추적

Time Traces 시간 추적
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