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Time Modelling sentence examples within Discrete Time Modelling

Unified Discrete-time Modeling and Digital Control of Bidirectional Chopper Converter

Discrete time analysis of High gain Bidirectional DCDC Converter with single edge PWM

Time Modelling sentence examples within Failure Time Modelling


Systemic inflammation and the relationship between periodontitis, edentulism and all-cause mortality: a 17-year prospective cohort study.

Time Modelling sentence examples within time modelling approach

Real-time model for unit-level heating and cooling energy prediction in multi-family residential housing

Discrete Time-Space Stochastic Mathematical Modelling for Quantitative Description of Software Imperfect Fault-Debugging with Change-Point

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Time Modelling sentence examples within time modelling method

Unified Discrete-time Modeling and Digital Control of Bidirectional Chopper Converter

Real-time Modelling and Parallel Optimisation of a Gasoline Direct Injection Engine

Neurofeedback for cognitive enhancement and intervention and brain plasticity.

More efficient estimates via ℏ-discrete fractional calculus theory and applications

Digital twins as run-time predictive models for the resilience of cyber-physical systems: a conceptual framework

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Real-Time Simulation of Photovoltaic System and its Performance Under Partial Shading Conditions

The importance of the turbulent ship wake regime for pollutant fate and transport

Reflection seismic imaging to unravel subsurface geological structures of the Zinkgruvan mining area, central Sweden

Robust ℋ∞ and ℒ∞–ℒ∞ sampled-data dynamic output-feedback control for nonlinear system in T–S form including singular perturbation

Finite-element kalman filter with state constraint for dynamic soft tissue modelling

Simultaneous estimation of Pinus nigra Arn. ssp. salzmannii natural regeneration emergence and survival through lifetime analysis

Discrete-Time Modelling and Bifurcation Analysis for Finite-Control-Set Model-Predictive-Controlled Power Converter with Unity Horizon Length

Neural network methodology for real-time modelling of bio-heat transfer during thermo-therapeutic applications

Variance swaps valuation under non-affine GARCH models and their diffusion limits

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Enabling Road Condition Monitoring with an on-board Vehicle Sensor Setup

A long-lifetime sensor platform for a reliable internet of things: demo abstract

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An influent responsive control strategy with machine learning: Q-learning based optimization method for a biological phosphorus removal system.

Case Study on the Identification of a Multivariable Cooling System with Time-Varying Delay

Spatio-temporal analysis of human preimplantation development reveals dynamics of epiblast and trophectoderm

Digital clustering in customer relationship management

Integration of weather conditions for predicting microbial water quality using Bayesian Belief Networks.

Delay-Time Maintenance Models for Technical Systems

Evaluating sociotechnical dynamics in a simulated remotely-piloted aircraft system: a layered dynamics approach

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Time Modelling 시간 모델링

Time Modelling 시간 모델링
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