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Time Extension sentence examples within Green Time Extension

Transit Priority Signal Control Scheme Considering the Coordinated Phase for Single-Ring Sequential Phasing Under Connected Vehicle Environment

Smart Traffic Light Request Button - Improving Interaction and Accessibility for Pedestrians

Time Extension sentence examples within Life Time Extension

Life time extension of turbine rotating components under risk constraints: A state-of-the-art review and case study

Research on Hybrid DC-Link Capacitor Bank with High Efficiency and Long-Life Time

Time Extension sentence examples within Charging Time Extension

Adaptive Resonant Beam Charging for Intelligent Wireless Power Transfer

Adaptive Resonant Beam Charging for Intelligent Wireless Power Transfer

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Time Extension sentence examples within Exposure Time Extension

[Effects on the respiration and nervous system of rat exposed to the thermobaric bomb simulated gas].

Effects on the respiration and nervous system of rat exposed to the thermobaric bomb simulated gas

Time Extension sentence examples within time extension strategy

Wind turbine lifetime extension decision-making based on structural health monitoring

An Investigation on Diagnosis-Based Power Switch Lifetime Extension Strategies for Three-Phase Inverters

Material efficiency strategies to reducing greenhouse gas emissions associated with buildings, vehicles, and electronics - A review

More Time Extension 시간 연장 sentence examples

Model-Based Load Estimation for Wind Turbine Blade with Kalman Filter

Statistically consistent divide-and-conquer pipelines for phylogeny estimation using NJMerge

More Time Extension 시간 연장 sentence examples

Методология оценки надежности космических аппаратов при проектной и конструкторской проработке

Main Approaches to Cable Aging Management at Nuclear Power Plants in Ukraine

Improving the Methods for Estimating Radiation Swelling and Progressive Dimensional Changes of the Elements of VVER-1000 Internals

Effect and Safety of Guanxinning Tablet (冠心宁片) for Stable Angina Pectoris Patients with Xin (Heart)-Blood Stagnation Syndrome: A Randomized, Multicenter, Placebo-Controlled Trial

A review of reliability analysis of offshore scour protections

Achievable Degrees of Freedom of Relay-Aided MIMO Cellular Networks Using Opposite Directional Interference Alignment

Computational method for estimating the domain of attraction of discrete-time uncertain rational systems

Enhanced prioritisation of prospective scenarios for power generation in Spain: How and which one?

PWR effect on crack initiation under equi-biaxial loading development of the experiment

A hierarchical predictive control for supercapacitor-retrofitted grid-connected hybrid renewable systems

Introduction to Brownian Motion

Does the Tax Stickiness Exist

Controlled irradiation hardening of tungsten by cyclic recrystallization

Optimal Hierarchical Management of Shipboard Multibattery Energy Storage System Using a Data-Driven Degradation Model

Energy-Reliability Aware Link Optimization for Battery-Powered IoT Devices With Nonideal Power Amplifiers

Quantum Measurement Cannot Be a Local Physical Process

DFT/TDDFT Investigation on the Electronic Structure and Spectroscopic Properties of Cis-Dioxomolybdenum (VI) Complexes

The Luminous mechanism of Eu2+ and Dy3+ co-doped long persistent luminous fiber

Five-Stage Selection Procedure of Ionic Liquids for Lubrication of Steel–Steel Contacts in Space Mechanisms

More Time Extension 시간 연장 sentence examples

Emergency core cooling system performance criteria for Multi-Layered Silicon Carbide nuclear fuel cladding

A Frequency Domain Method for the Estimation and Forecasting of Spatial Big Data

Sustainable energy storage for solar home systems in rural Sub-Saharan Africa – A comparative examination of lifecycle aspects of battery technologies for circular economy, with emphasis on the South African context

Lifetime Improvement for Hierarchical Routing with Distance and Energy Based Threshold

CoDoC: A Novel Attack for Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Networks through Denial of Charge

Evaluation of Causes of Claims on Construction Projects of Southern Nation Nationality and People Region (SNNPR), Ethiopia

Subsea Pipeline Hybrid Thermal Insulation with Phase Change Material and Aerogel – Analysis and Experiments

Stable hole transport type host boosting the efficiency and lifetime of the exciplex host based phosphorescent organic light-emitting diodes

Assessing the impact of design strategies on clothing lifetimes, usage and volumes : the case of product personalisation

Consideration of lifetime and fatigue load in wind turbine control

Impact of Variations in PACKRAT Administration: A Retrospective Review.

Continuous-time causal mediation analysis.

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Time Extension 시간 연장

Time Extension 시간 연장
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