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Research on building truss design based on particle swarm intelligence optimization algorithm

On the inference of complex phylogenetic networks by Markov Chain Monte-Carlo

Time Efficient sentence examples within Highly Time Efficient

Optimal 3D Deployment and Trajectory Selection of UAVs for Maximum Network Utility and Disaster Management

Using QSARs for predictions in drug delivery

Time Efficient sentence examples within Potential Time Efficient

Quality control strategies for brain MRI segmentation and parcellation: practical approaches and recommendations - insights from The Maastricht Study

Quality control strategies for brain MRI segmentation and parcellation: Practical approaches and recommendations - insights from the Maastricht study

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Time Efficient sentence examples within Use Time Efficient

Practicality Development of Problem-Based Learning Models and Giving Reward to Algebra Linear Elementer

Interactive Methods in Shaping Music Literacy in Primary School Students

Time Efficient sentence examples within time efficient manner

Patient satisfaction with telemedicine in rhinology during the COVID-19 pandemic

Marriage of high throughput synthesis and high throughput protein crystallography.

Time Efficient sentence examples within time efficient method

Synthesis of nanocrystalline Co3O4 through solution combustion method: effect of fuel to oxidizer ratio on structural and physical properties

A New Straightforward Method for Automated Segmentation of Trabecular Bone from Cortical Bone in Diverse and Challenging Morphologies

Time Efficient sentence examples within time efficient tool

Model Complexity as Determining Factor for In Vitro Nanosafety Studies: Effects of Silver and Titanium Dioxide Nanomaterials in Intestinal Models.

Tender point examination with palpation in different shoulder pathologies: A retrospective study.

Time Efficient sentence examples within time efficient solution


Automated Test Paper Generation Using Utility Based Agent and Shuffling Algorithm

Time Efficient sentence examples within time efficient way

Toolbox for atomic layer deposition process development on high surface area powders.

Improving the efficiency of sediment charcoal image analysis

Time Efficient sentence examples within time efficient alternative

Nitrogen vapor immersion: an accessible alternative for honey bee (Apis mellifera L.) semen cryopreservation.

Evaluation of an indirect assessment for identifying tasks for functional analysis.

Time Efficient sentence examples within time efficient approach

Internal Flow Optimization in a Complex Profile Extrusion Die Using Flow Restrictors and Flow Separators

Experimental validation of finite element models representing stacked concrete beams with unbonded surface contacts

Time Efficient sentence examples within time efficient algorithm

CFD simulations of gearboxes: implementation of a mesh clustering algorithm for efficient simulations of complex system’s architectures

Optimal 3D Deployment and Trajectory Selection of UAVs for Maximum Network Utility and Disaster Management

Time Efficient sentence examples within time efficient simulation

Rapid Assessment of Tsunami Offshore Propagation and Inundation with D-FLOW Flexible Mesh and SFINCS for the 2011 Tōhoku Tsunami in Japan

Application of an accurate calculation method for dual three-phase PMSM

Time Efficient sentence examples within time efficient kit

A comparison of four commercially available RNA extraction kits for wastewater surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in a college population

A Comparison of Four Commercially Available RNA Extraction Kits for Wastewater Surveillance of SARS-CoV-2 in a College Population

Time Efficient sentence examples within time efficient compared

Automated tooth segmentation as an innovative tool to assess 3D-tooth movement and root resorption in rodents

Determining the usability and technology acceptance of a powered and automated cargo management system during ladder lifting tasks: A pilot study.

Time Efficient sentence examples within time efficient methodology

Roof runoff contamination: Establishing material-pollutant relationships and material benchmarking based on laboratory leaching tests.

Deep Learning based Sequence Modeling for Optical response retrieval of photonic nanostructures

Why Female Athletes Injure Their ACL’s More Frequently? What can we do to mitigate their risk?

Information Technology on Hand Hygiene Compliance among Healthcare Professionals: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.

Discrete Vortex Prediction of Flows around a Cylinder Near a Wall Using Overlapping Grid System

Binarized Graph Neural Network

Parallel simulation of cyber-physical systems

Comment to: Prophylactic retromuscular mesh placement for parastomal hernia prevention. Author’s reply

Efficient Detection of Adversarial, Out-of-distribution and Other Misclassified Samples

More Time Efficient 시간 효율성 sentence examples

Electrical and Thermal Co-simulation Tool for LLC Converter

Motor Stator Winding Condition Monitoring

Towards Efficient Discovery of Periodic-Frequent Patterns in Columnar Temporal Databases

Synergetic use of IASI and TROPOMI space borne sensors for generating a tropospheric methane profile product

Influence of the Contact Geometry and Counterions on the Current Flow and Charge Transfer in Polyoxometalate Molecular Junctions: A Density Functional Theory Study

Coupled explicit-damping simulation of laser shock peening on x12Cr steam turbine blades

Software Tools for Conducting Real-Time Information Processing and Visualization in Industry: An Up-to-Date Review

EPS1.08 Exercising online a “Beaming” good initiative

Building a Real-Time 2D Lidar Using Deep Learning

A multi-dimension clustering-based method for renewable energy investment planning

Infill well placement optimization in two-dimensional heterogeneous reservoirs under waterflooding using upscaling wavelet transform

Do Female Head Teachers in Punjab, Pakistan, Receive Sufficient Family Support to Balance Domestic and Professional Responsibilities?

Pediatric Providers’ Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, and Barriers to Firearms Safety Counseling

Time Efficient 시간 효율성

Time Efficient 시간 효율성
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