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Dissociable effects of dietary sodium in early life upon somatic growth, fluid homeostasis, and spatial memory in mice of both sexes.

Datasets of seed mucilage traits for Arabidopsis thaliana natural accessions with atypical outer mucilage

Time-domain NMR analysis for the determination of water content in pharmaceutical ingredients and wet granules.

Fast-forward approach of time-domain NMR relaxometry for solid-state chemistry of chitosan.

Low field, time domain NMR in the agriculture and agrifood sectors: An overview of applications in plants, foods and biofuels.

Evaluation of dispersibility of silver nanoparticle ink by TEM and NMR

Pre-treatment impact on the disposition of water in clay-based geopolymer

Use of Solid Echo Sequence to Monitor Crystallization Kinetics of Mono and Di-Saccharides

Polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) based super-hydrophilic anti-fogging layer assisted by plasma spraying for low density polyethylene (LDPE) greenhouse films

Nondestructive Investigation of the Agglomeration Process for Nanosuspensions via NMR Relaxation of Water Molecules.

Development and Selection of Integrative Measurement Descriptors: Application for Investigating Physical Properties of Biopolymers in Hairs

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Time Domain Nmr 시간 도메인 Nmr

Time Domain Nmr 시간 도메인 Nmr
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