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Time Allocation sentence examples within Optimal Time Allocation

Low-Complexity Algorithm for Outage Optimal Resource Allocation in Energy Harvesting-Based UAV Identification Networks

A WPT-Enabled UAV-Assisted Condition Monitoring Scheme for Wireless Sensor Networks

Time Allocation sentence examples within Joint Time Allocation

Ergodic Outage Probability of Joint Time Allocation and Power Splitting Schemes Wireless Based NOMA Network

Wireless Powered Mobile Edge Computing Systems: Simultaneous Time Allocation and Offloading Policies

Time Allocation sentence examples within Working Time Allocation

Gender discrimination, inflation, and the business cycle

Working Time Allocation and Income of Small-Scale Laying Hensa in Blitar, Indonesia

Time Allocation sentence examples within Signal Time Allocation

Recent development of smart traffic lights

Intelligent Traffic Signal Control Based on Reinforcement Learning with State Reduction for Smart Cities

Time Allocation sentence examples within Dl Time Allocation

On the optimal energy efficiency and spectral efficiency trade-off of CF massive MIMO SWIPT system

On the Optimal Energy Efficiency and Spectral Efficiency Trade-Off of CF Massive MIMO SWIPT System

Time Allocation sentence examples within Limited Time Allocation

Implementasi Pilar-Pilar Pendidikan UNESCO

Penerapan Metode Eksperimen Untuk Meningkatkan Aktivitas Siswa Pada Pembelajaran IPA Kelas V SD Negeri Ngemplak Kecamatan Windusari Kabupaten Magelang Provinsi Jawa Tengah

Time Allocation sentence examples within Study Time Allocation

An Examination of Study Time Allocation as a Contributor to Sex Differences in Multitrial Verbal Learning Performance.

The effect of time pressure on metacognitive control: developmental changes in self-regulation and efficiency during learning

Time Allocation sentence examples within Downlink Time Allocation

Optimal Energy Beamforming to Minimize Transmit Power in a Multi-Antenna Wireless Powered Communication Network

Research on Maximizing User and Minimum Rate in Strong Interference WPCN with Downlink SWIPT

Time Allocation sentence examples within Include Time Allocation

Learning Computer Programming Using Project-Based Collaborative Learning

Finnish Nurses’ Perception of Client-centred Wound Care

Time Allocation sentence examples within Different Time Allocation

Ethernet fronthaul transport of an upper-physical layer functional split using time-aware shaping


Time Allocation sentence examples within Work Time Allocation

Balancing Supply with Demand in Ride-hailing Platforms: An Operational Approach

Initial impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on time Japanese nursing faculty devote to research: Cross-sectional survey.

Time Allocation sentence examples within Green Time Allocation

Intelligent Traffic Network Control in the Era of Internet of Vehicles

Green time usage metrics on signalized intersections and arterials using high-resolution traffic data

Time Allocation sentence examples within Insufficient Time Allocation

Analysis of physical health with internet of things-based computational narrowband physical health framework.

Analisis Kendala Praktikum Biologi di Sekolah Menengah Atas: (Obstacles Analysis of Biology Laboratory Practice of High School)

Time Allocation sentence examples within Transmission Time Allocation

Intelligent Reflecting Surface Assisted Wireless Powered Sensor Networks for Internet of Things

Throughput Optimization Based Joint Access Point Association and Transmission Time Allocation in WLANs

Time Allocation sentence examples within Ul Time Allocation

Throughput Maximization for Intelligent Reflecting Surface Aided MIMO WPCNs With Different DL/UL Reflection Patterns

Resource Allocation of Hybrid VLC/RF Systems with Light Energy Harvesting

Time Allocation sentence examples within time allocation decision

Second Chances in Learning: Does a Resit Prospect Lower Study-Time Investments on a First Test?

Analysis of activity participation and time use decisions of partners: the context of low-and high-income households

Time Allocation sentence examples within time allocation among

Solar Microgrids in Rural India

Matching, induction, and covariance with mixed response-contingent food and noncontingent food.

Time Allocation sentence examples within time allocation problem

Joint resource allocation over licensed and unlicensed spectrum in U-LTE networks

AoI-Minimal Trajectory Planning and Data Collection in UAV-Assisted Wireless Powered IoT Networks

Time Allocation sentence examples within time allocation model

Joint time-slot and power allocation algorithm for data and energy integrated networks supporting internet of things (IoT)

Conservation of forest through provision of alternative sources of income; evidence from rural households in Northern Pakistan

Time Allocation sentence examples within time allocation strategy

An Improved Opportunistic Routing Protocol for Underwater Wireless Sensor Networks

OTA: An Operation-oriented Time Allocation Strategy for Greybox Fuzzing

Time Allocation sentence examples within time allocation within

Cardiovascular disease risk communication in NHS Health Checks using QRISK®2 and JBS3 risk calculators: the RICO qualitative and quantitative study.

Time and Clerical Burden Posed by the Current Electronic Health Record for Orthopaedic Surgeons.

Time Allocation sentence examples within time allocation scheme

Joint Time Allocation for Wireless Energy Harvesting Decode-and-Forward Relay-Based IoT Networks With Rechargeable and Nonrechargeable Batteries

UAV-Aided Cooperative Data Collection Scheme for Ocean Monitoring Networks

Time Allocation sentence examples within time allocation parameter

Relay-Aided Bidirectional Communications Between Devices in a Hybrid User Scenario for IoT

Research on Physical Layer Security of Cooperative Networks Based on Swipt

Time Allocation sentence examples within time allocation pattern

Opportunity Costs of Unpaid Caregiving: Evidence from Panel Time Diaries

Interrelationships between ICT, social disadvantage, and activity participation behaviour: A case of Mumbai, India

Time Allocation sentence examples within time allocation datum

Childhood Teaching and Learning among Savanna Pumé Hunter-Gatherers : Mismatch between Foraging and Postindustrial Societies.

Do catastrophic floods change the gender division of labor? Panel data evidence from Pakistan

Time Allocation sentence examples within time allocation factor

Performance Evaluation of Relay Assisted Wireless Powered Network over Fluctuating Two Ray Fading Channel with Diversity Reception

Performance Analysis of a SWIPT Enabled UAV-Assisted Relaying

Time Allocation sentence examples within time allocation subject

Time-Division Energy Beamforming for Multiuser Wireless Power Transfer With Non-Linear Energy Harvesting

Joint Target Assignment and Resource Optimization Framework for Multitarget Tracking in Phased Array Radar Network

A Qualitative Study of Experience in Forming Teachers’ Cognition on the Concept of Language Noticing

Manajemen Pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa saat Pandemi Covid-19 di SMA Muhammadiyah 3 Yogyakarta

What Explains Differences in Finance Research Productivity During the Pandemic?

The Impact of Work-Life Balance Policies on the Time Allocation and Fertility Preference of Japanese Women

Home Production and Leisure during the COVID-19 Recession

Energy Efficiency Maximization for IRS-Aided WPCNs

Mengidentifikasi Kendala Pelaksanaan Gerakan Literasi Sekolah Sebagai Upaya Pengembangan Mutu Budaya Literasi Di SMA Negeri Bali Mandara

EGO-Planner: An ESDF-Free Gradient-Based Local Planner for Quadrotors

A Simple Matter of Time? School-Level Analysis of the Relationship between Time Allocation, Treatment Integrity, and Student Outcome

More Time Allocation 시간 할당 sentence examples

Adaptive Scheduling for Joint CommRadar: Optimizing Tradeoff Among Data Throughput, Queueing Delay, and Detection Opportunities

Knowledge scores in annual and modular curriculum among medical students from Karachi, Pakistan.

Effectiveness of pediatric learning modules in enhancing competencies among nurses in a specialized unit.

The Dilemma of Unrelenting Workload Amidst Covid-19 Pandemic: An Agenda for University Female Academics

Cooperative Transmission of Energy-Constrained IoT Devices in Wireless-Powered Communication Networks

Minimum Throughput Maximization for Peer-Assisted NOMA-Plus-TDMA Symbiotic Radio Networks

More Time Allocation 시간 할당 sentence examples

Bidirectional intra-network mutual Ambient Backscatter Communications in distributed wireless wearable measurement networks

Residual Energy Maximization based Resource Allocation in Wireless Powered Edge Computing Industrial IoT

Labor Market Shocks and Youths’ Time Allocation in Egypt: Where Does Women’s Empowerment Come In?

Business Viability of Small Combine Harvester in Haor Areas

Peranan Organisasi ROHIS Dalam Membentuk Akhlak Peserta Didik Di SMA Negeri 2 Kota Pariaman

Visible at night: US school principal nontraditional work-hour activities and job satisfaction

Time-optimal planning for quadrotor waypoint flight

Effects of climate change on combined labour productivity and supply: an empirical, multi-model study.

Time Allocation 시간 할당

Time Allocation 시간 할당
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