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Experimental and Numerical Analysis on TIG Arc Welding of Stainless Steel Using RSM Approach

Characterizations of TIG welded joints of Unalloyed Commercially Pure Titanium Gr-2 for Weld Process Parameters

Effect of Laser on Double-Arc Physical Characteristics in Pulsed Laser Induced Double-TIG Welding

A high-efficiency forming method of large- scale aluminum alloy components using fused deposition additive manufacturing based on multi-energy fields

Microstructure and property of tungsten carbide particulate reinforced wear resistant coating by TIG cladding

Surface modification via in situ formation of titanium carbide in ferrous matrix through TIG arcing

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Microstructure evolution and metallurgical characteristic of bead-on-plate TIG welding of Ti-6Al-4V alloy

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Tig Arc 타이거 아크

Tig Arc 타이거 아크
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