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Barriers to Dental Care in Individuals with Special Healthcare Needs in Qatif, Saudi Arabia: A Caregiver’s Perspective

Bullying in Rural Schools among Early Adolescents in Sri Lanka; Prevalence of Bullying Acts and Common Responses to Bullying

Three Schools sentence examples within Acros Three Schools

Adaptation of a school-based mental health literacy curriculum: from Canadian to English classrooms

Education From a Gardener’s Perspective

Three Schools sentence examples within three schools located

Access to foods using Grand Rapids, Michigan, as a case study: Objective versus subjective issues

Assessing climate knowledge and perceptions among adolescents. An exploratory study in Portugal

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Three Schools sentence examples within three schools participated

Investigating the Effectiveness of an Educational Escape Game for Increasing Nutrition-Related Knowledge in Young Adolescents: A Pilot Study

Cárie precoce e severa na infância: a exodontia precoce pode prejudicar a qualidade de vida de crianças acometidas?

Three Schools sentence examples within three schools selected

Effects of graphic organizer and animation on students learning outcomes in Mathematics

Adaptation and Implementation of the Multiple-Family Group Intervention in Ghana.

Classroom Management Practices in the Secondary Schools – Teachers‟ Perspectives from Kalutara Educational Zone in Sri Lanka

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First-aid Resources Availability and Attitudes of Senior High School Students in Tamale Metropolis, Ghana

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Taking action for social justice in HPE classrooms through explicit critical pedagogies

Transformando el Menosprecio en Reconocimiento. Comunidades Escolares Movilizadas

Level Berpikir Geometri Peserta Didik Berdasarkan Teori Van Hiele pada Materi Bangun Ruang Sisi Datar

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An investigation of bacillary dysentery outbreaks in three schools in Ankang

Developing a Framework Peace Education for Primary School Teachers in Indonesia

Just a Joke? The Thin Line between Teasing, Harassment and Violence among Teenage Boys in Lower Secondary School

Exploring the Informatization Teaching Ability of High School Teachers in the Western Region of China

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The mediating role of school belonging in the relationship between socioemotional well-being and loneliness in primary school age children

Be under your own influence: Effectiveness of a Culturally-Adapted drug prevention campaign targeting Reservation-Dwelling American Indian youth.

A school-based social-marketing intervention to promote sexual health in English secondary schools: the Positive Choices pilot cluster RCT

Decarbonizing the heating supply of an urban district in Kazakhstan

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Relational spirituality in K-12 education: a multi-case study

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Manikin-Based Simulation: an Update to the Clerkship Experience

Indiscipline among Junior High School Students in Nkoranza District: Causes, Effects and the Way Forward

How Inclusive Interactive Learning Environments Benefit Students Without Special Needs

Do children use logic to spell logician? Implicit versus explicit teaching of morphological spelling rules.

Current Parental Leave Policies for Medical Students at U.S. Medical Schools: A Comparative Study

Investigating the Lived Experiences of Teachers in Long Distance Marriages: A Case of Selected Secondary Schools of Choma District, Zambia

Schools as Vectors of Infectious Disease Transmission during the 1918 Influenza Pandemic

Studies on the Occurrence of Geohelminths amongst Children and Young Adults in Ovia North-East LGA of Edo State, South-South, Nigeria

Enhancing Thai elementary students’ English and maintaining Thainess using localized materials: Two putative confronting forces

Understanding teacher entrepreneurial behavior in schools: Conceptualization and empirical investigation

Ulv engasjerer! Erfaringer med skjønnlitteratur i tverrfaglig arbeid på mellomtrinnet

Development of Diagnostic Assessment Test for Misconceptions (ATM) in Mathematics at Elementary School Level

Visual acuity percentile curves in a Spanish paediatric population.

Post Occupancy Evaluation of School Refurbishment Projects: Multiple Case Study in the UK

Assessment Instrument Development for a Chronological Thinking Skills with the Rasch Model

Sagittal imbalance of the spine is associated with poor sitting posture among primary and secondary school students in China: A cross-sectional study

The Dilemma of Mobile Phone Overuse: Findings from a Quasi-Experimental Study on a Cohort of Pakistani Adolescents

To build upon solid rock or to build upon sand:

Post-COVID-19 ergonomic school furniture design under fuzzy logic.


Compare the Effectiveness of Motivational Self-Regulatory Skills Training and Emotional-Social Skills Training on Academic Buoyancy, Resilience and Academic Engagement in Junior High School Students with Low Academic Performance in the Fifth District of Tabriz

Role of parental socioeconomic status on their children’s education at District Mardan of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan

The Effects of Domestic Violence on the Academic Performance of Pupils: A Case Study of Primary Schools in Laroo Division, Gulu Municipality

The Sensitivity of a Scenario-Based Assessment of Written Argumentation to School Differences in Curriculum and Instruction

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Self-Esteem, Resilience, Social Support, and Acculturative Stress as Predictors of Loneliness in Chinese Internal Migrant Children: A Model-Testing Longitudinal Study

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Three Schools 세 학교

Three Schools 세 학교
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