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Three Indigenous sentence examples within Selected Three Indigenous

Pandemic Impacts for Indigenous Children and Youth Within Canada: An Ethical Analysis

Selected Indigenous Saccharomyces cerevisiae Strains as Profitable Strategy to Preserve Typical Traits of Primitivo Wine

Three Indigenous sentence examples within Among Three Indigenous

Reclaiming Emotions: Re-Unlearning and Re-Learning Discourses of Healing in a Tribally Placed Doctoral Cohort

Case Study II: Skewed Power Relations

Three Indigenous sentence examples within three indigenous breed

Sheep meat production in the Brazilian semi-arid region: crossing between indigenous breeds.


Learn more from Three Indigenous 3명의 원주민

Three Indigenous sentence examples within three indigenous plant

Efficacy of Some Selected Indigenous Plant Extracts against Two Urban Mosquitoes Culex quinquefasciatus Say and Aedes aegypti L. (Diptera: Culicidea): An Update

A writer writes on Amazonian plant medicines

Three Indigenous sentence examples within three indigenous language

Cross-speaker repetition and epistemic stance in Tzeltal, Yucatec, and Zapotec conversations

Information Structure in Languages of the Caucasus

Three Indigenous sentence examples within three indigenous culture

Documentação de línguas e culturas indígenas

Event-based time in three indigenous Amazonian and Xinguan cultures and languages

Three Indigenous sentence examples within three indigenous land

The rarest of the rare: rediscovery and status of the critically endangered Belem Curassow, Crax fasciolata pinima (Pelzeln, 1870)

“O celular é o avô dos WaiWai”. Tecnologias e domesticação das redes e mídias sociais entre os WaiWai

Three Indigenous sentence examples within three indigenous chicken

Progress in the Performance of Indigenous Chickens Selected for Economic Traits in Bangladesh

Influence of Dietary Moringa oleifera Leaf Meal on Haematological Parameters, Serum Biochemical Indices and Weight of Internal Organs of Chickens

Three Indigenous sentence examples within three indigenous person

Collecting grief: Indigenous peoples, deaths by police and a global pandemic

Prevalence of enteroparasitosis in the indigenous community of Mato Grosso, Brazil: a look into the sanitation and ethno-development

Three Indigenous sentence examples within three indigenous microalga

Basic oxygen furnace slag as a support material for the cultivation of indigenous marine microalgae.

Mixotrophic growth regime as a strategy to develop microalgal bioprocess from nutrimental composition of tequila vinasses

Three Indigenous sentence examples within three indigenous goat

Identification of novel polymorphism and in silico analysis of caprine DNAJB3 gene

Heat Stress and Rumen Microbial Ecology: Novel Insights Into Goat Adaptation

Being in Good Community: Engagement in Support of Indigenous Sovereignty

Three Indigenous 3명의 원주민

Three Indigenous 3명의 원주민
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