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Three Dimensional Radiotherapy sentence examples within intensity modulated radiotherapy

IMRT improves local control in patients with nasopharyngeal carcinoma compared with conventional radiotherapy: propensity score-matched analysis.

Impact of smoking on survival in nasopharyngeal carcinoma: A cohort study with 23,325 patients diagnosed from 1990 to 2016.

Improvement of matching fields using coplanar field border method in postmastectomy radiotherapy

Postoperative radiotherapy for pigmented villonodular synovitis (PVNS): case series and literature review

Risk of Cardiac Disease in Breast Cancer Patients: Impact of Patient-Specific Factors and Individual Heart Dose from Three-Dimensional Radiotherapy Planning.

Radio-Chemotherapy in Pre-Operative Rectal Adenocarcinoma at Dalal Jamm Hospital, Senegal

Evaluation of DIBH and VMAT in Hypofractionated Radiotherapy for Left-sided Breast Cancers After Breast-conserving Surgery: a Planning Study

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Three Dimensional Radiotherapy 3차원 방사선 요법

Three Dimensional Radiotherapy 3차원 방사선 요법
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