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Two-Dimensional Defective Crystals with Non-constant Dislocation Density and Unimodular Solvable Group Structure

Spherical indicatrices of a Bertrand curve in three dimensional Lie groups

Submanifolds in SE(3) and their applications in envelope theory

Two-Dimensional Defective Crystals with Non-constant Dislocation Density and Unimodular Solvable Group Structure

Spherical indicatrices of a Bertrand curve in three dimensional Lie groups

The geometry of the Sasaki metric on the sphere bundle of Euclidean Atiyah vector bundles

Learn more from Three Dimensional Lie 3차원 거짓말

Three Dimensional Lie 3차원 거짓말

Three Dimensional Lie 3차원 거짓말
Encyclopedia 백과사전