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Low-Temperature Scattering with the R-Matrix Method: The Morse Potential

Statistical Lyapunov Theory Based on Bifurcation Analysis of Energy Cascade in Isotropic Homogeneous Turbulence: A Physical-Mathematical Review

The influence of spiral angle on lift-off speed of face gas seal under start-up

Influence of Manually Adjustable Photovoltaic Array on the Performance of Water Pumping Systems

Virtual laboratory for measuring of elastic modulus with stress and strain for different metals

Charge transport through nanocontacts

Pseudospin-dependent Zitterbewegung in monolayer graphene

Determination of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element $|V_{cb}|$

Internal and near-surface electromagnetic fields for a chiral cylinder with arbitrary monochromatic illumination

Neural network interpretation using descrambler groups

Theoretical Energy Production Performance Determination in Wind and Photovoltaic Power Systems

Gradient-type systems on unbounded domains of the Heisenberg group.

História da matemática na formação inicial de professores dos anos iniciais: um levantamento de trabalhos no Brasil

Acoustic performance of metallic foams

A Fitness-Based Evolving Network for Web-APIs Discovery


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Theoretical Procedure 이론적 절차

Theoretical Procedure 이론적 절차
Encyclopedia 백과사전