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Technical Object sentence examples within two day workshop

2. Simondon as a Neo-Scholastic?

3. Constrained Freedom

Technical Object sentence examples within acoustically anisotropic structural

Об использовании параметров структурного шума при контроле поверхностными акустическими волнами Рэлея стали 20ГЛ в процессе упругопластического деформирования

Об особенностях использования явления акустоупругости при контроле напряженного состояния анизотропного материала технических объектов при отрицательных температурах

Technical Object sentence examples within Complex Technical Object

Technology of Hardware and Software Modeling of Spacecraft Attitude Sensors Based on STM32 Microcontrollers

Method of reconfiguring industrial facilities using the apparatus of piecewise linear aggregates

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Technical Object sentence examples within Real Technical Object

Analysis of the sensitivity of the identification method of inability states of rotating systems to the conditions of the experiment

Exploring the possibility of applying different neuronal activation functions to a single-circuit ACS

Technical Object sentence examples within Different Technical Object

The in-servitude of Writing in the Age of Technique: Heidegger, Nietzsche, Benjamin and Foucault

Моделирование и расчет продолжительности роста усталостных трещин в конструкционных сталях

Technical Object sentence examples within Specific Technical Object

Selecting the Method for Pre-tightening Threaded Connections of Heavy Engineering Objects

Simulation of the Propagation of Electromagnetic Oscillations by the Method of the Modified Equation of the Telegraph Line

On Technical Alterity

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More Technical Object 기술 개체 sentence examples

Nanotechnologies of Strength Control of Materials

Semi-Markov modeling for assessing reliability of road construction machines in the process of their operation

Scientific Substantiation of Topological Diagnostics Methods of Electrical Equipment

Philosophy of technique as a component part of philosophy curriculum

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Моделирование аккумуляторных батарей и их сборок с учетом деградации параметров

Proactive Management Transportation Logistics Infrastructure Life-Cycle (Digital Transformation)

Effect of pyrolysis temperature and biomass particle size on the heating value of biocoal and optimization using response surface methodology

Relay protection and automation of electric power systems

Aircraft operators maintenance decisions supporting method

Differentiating (an)notation practices: an artist-scholar’s observation

Multi-objective jellyfish search optimizer for efficient power system operation based on multi-dimensional OPF framework

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Early observability of EOR process effectiveness

Ecologies of ‘Dead’ and ‘Alive’ landmines in the borderlands of Myanmar

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Ranked classification of environmental conditions

Development of the patent array analysis module based on the “Problem-Solution” model

Algorithms for Generating Equivalent Normalized Correlation Matrices of Noisy Random Signals

GeneRic Autonomic Signaling Protocol (GRASP)

Brazilian Cantoria and Slam: poetics of performance

Synchronous automatic transfer switch by programmed trajectory movement control for distributed generation

Electromechanical Study the Wind Energy Conversion System Based DFIG and SCIG Generators

Overview of automation tools for avionics verification

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Technology as a socio-historical phenomenon

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Multivariate multichannel software and measurement complex for detecting anomalous states of natural and technical objects and systems

More Technical Object 기술 개체 sentence examples

Simondon’s Technical Culture and a Politics of Problems

Information models of structures and modeling in construction

Optimization of geotechnical building parameters for stabilization of stress-strain state of soil mass

Montagem eletrônica: a forma vídeo-cinema não-formalista de algoritmo


Technological inheritability of product properties at the development and production stage of its Life Cycle

Affiliated issue with 2020 College Art Association Annual Conference, ‘flesh and circuit: rethinking performance and technology’ (Chicago, IL, USA)

Mind the gap! On the future of AI research

Submarine Resistance Force Characteristics Determination after Modification of Depth Rudder System

An artifact ontology for design science research

On Company Contributions to Community Open Source Software Projects

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Cyberculture and Education in Latin America

Reducing herbicide use and leaching in agronomically performant maize-based cropping systems: An 8-year study.

Nature-Based Nutrient Reduction for Seagrass Restoration

The Algorithm of a Game-Based System in the Relation between an Operator and a Technical Object in Management of E-Commerce Logistics Processes with the Use of Machine Learning

RNAi: An Instrument for Exploratory Experimentation

Techno-animism or the Magical Existence of Technical Objects

Sizing, optimization, control and energy management of hybrid renewable energy system—A review

Developing a smart operating system for fairly distribution of irrigation water, based on social, economic, and environmental considerations

Mapování bezbariérovosti pěších tras z pasportů a DTM

Risk-informed approach for safety improvement of domestic research reactor

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Cost-Effective Insulation Coordination Design for 115-kV Transmission Line due to Lightning Back Flashover

Millimeter-Wave GaN Devices for 5G: Massive MIMO Antenna Arrays for Sub-6-Ghz and mm-Wave Bandwidth

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Automated Tire Pressure Control System for Multi-Purpose Wheeled Vehicles

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Technical Object 기술 개체

Technical Object 기술 개체
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