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Symplectic Map sentence examples within Integrable Symplectic Map

Decomposing a new nonlinear differential-difference system under a Bargmann implicit symmetry constraint

Decomposing the Toda hierarchy by an implicit symmetry constraint

Symplectic Map sentence examples within Conformally Symplectic Map

Existence of whiskered KAM tori of conformally symplectic systems

Whiskered KAM Tori of Conformally Symplectic Systems.

Thermoelectricity modeling with cold dipole atoms in Aubry phase of optical lattice.

More Symplectic Map 대칭 지도 sentence examples

Betatron frequency and the Poincare rotation number.

Linear relations and integrability for cluster algebras from affine quivers

Intermittency and Transport Barriers in Fluids and Plasmas

Detecting Resonances using Evolutionary Algorithms

Birkhoff normal forms and stability indicators for betatronic motion

A new lattice hierarchy: Hamiltonian structures, symplectic map and N-fold Darboux transformation

Coupled Mathieu Equations: γ -Hamiltonian and μ -Symplectic

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Symplectic Map 대칭 지도

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