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Symplectic Manifolds sentence examples within Closed Symplectic Manifolds

On the generic Conley conjecture

Existence of pseudo-heavy fibers of moment maps

Symplectic Manifolds sentence examples within symplectic manifolds admitting

Some Results on Cosymplectic Manifolds Admitting Certain Vector Fields

Quasi-Einstein structures and almost cosymplectic manifolds

A note on critical point equations on three-dimensional cosymplectic manifolds

A generalised volume invariant for Aeppli cohomology classes of Hermitian-symplectic metrics

Remarks on conformal anti-invariant Riemannian maps to cosymplectic manifolds

Liouville geometry of classical thermodynamics

Subcritical polarisations of symplectic manifolds have degree one

Prequantization, Geometric Quantization, Corrected Geometric Quantization

Critical point equation on almost f-cosymplectic manifolds

Remarkable Classes of Almost 3-Contact Metric Manifolds

Gradient Yamabe and Gradient m-Quasi Einstein Metrics on Three-dimensional Cosymplectic Manifolds

On Symmetric Brackets Induced by Linear Connections

Quantum moment map and obstructions to the existence of closed Fedosov star products

Geometric inequalities for CR-warped product submanifolds of locally conformal almost cosymplectic manifolds

Central extensions of Lie groups preserving a differential form

Non-existence of $$*$$∗-Ricci solitons on $$(\kappa ,\mu )$$(κ,μ)-almost cosymplectic manifolds

Coisotropic submanifolds in $b$-symplectic geometry

Smooth covers on symplectic manifolds

On a Classification of Almost $alpha $-Cosymplectic Manifolds

Morse theory and Floer homology

Einstein–Weyl structures on almost cosymplectic manifolds

Some Results on Nearly Cosymplectic Manifolds

Collective classical and quantum fields

Nearly cosymplectic manifolds with nullity conditions

Minimal Maslov number of R-spaces canonically embedded in Einstein-Kähler C-spaces

Symplectic Vector Spaces

Seiberg-Witten theory with SpinH structure

Energy bounds and vanishing results for the Gromov-Witten invariants of the projective space

Hamiltonian unknottedness of certain monotone Lagrangian tori in S2 × S2

Symplectic Diffeology

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Symplectic Manifolds 대칭 매니폴드

Symplectic Manifolds 대칭 매니폴드
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