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Liens entre les besoins non satisfaits, la qualité de vie et les caractéristiques des survivantes de cancers gynécologiques en Indonésie.

The relationships of unmet needs with quality of life and characteristics of Indonesian gynecologic cancer survivors.

Survivor Unmet sentence examples within Form Survivor Unmet

Validation of the Short‐Form Survivor Unmet Needs Survey in older patients with myeloma

Cultural adaptation and validation of the Survivor Unmet Needs Survey Short‐Form among cancer patients in China

Survivor Unmet sentence examples within survivor unmet need

Liens entre les besoins non satisfaits, la qualité de vie et les caractéristiques des survivantes de cancers gynécologiques en Indonésie.

Validation of the Short‐Form Survivor Unmet Needs Survey in older patients with myeloma

Learn more from Survivor Unmet 생존자 미충족

Liens entre les besoins non satisfaits, la qualité de vie et les caractéristiques des survivantes de cancers gynécologiques en Indonésie.

Validation of the Short‐Form Survivor Unmet Needs Survey in older patients with myeloma

The relationships of unmet needs with quality of life and characteristics of Indonesian gynecologic cancer survivors.

Cultural adaptation and validation of the Survivor Unmet Needs Survey Short‐Form among cancer patients in China

Portuguese Version of the Short-Form Survivor Unmet Needs Survey

Unmet supportive care needs of Indonesian gynecological cancer survivors.

Care After Lymphoma (CALy) trial: A phase II pilot pragmatic randomised controlled trial of a nurse-led model of survivorship care.

Patient-Reported Unmet Needs in Colorectal Cancer Survivors After Treatment for Curative Intent.

Patient-Reported Unmet Needs in Colorectal Cancer Survivors After Treatment for Curative Intent.

Learn more from Survivor Unmet 생존자 미충족

Survivor Unmet 생존자 미충족

Survivor Unmet 생존자 미충족
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