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The Toxoplasma Vacuolar H+-ATPase regulates intracellular pH, and impacts the maturation of essential secretory proteins

The Toxoplasma Vacuolar H+-ATPase Regulates Intracellular pH and Impacts the Maturation of Essential Secretory Proteins

Bioinorganic insights of the PQQ-dependent alcohol dehydrogenases.

Subunits of the GPI transamidase complex localize to the endoplasmic reticulum and nuclear envelope in Drosophila

Functional NMDA receptors are expressed by human pulmonary artery smooth muscle cells

The Toxoplasma Vacuolar H+-ATPase regulates intracellular pH, and impacts the maturation of essential secretory proteins

Exocyst subunit Sec6 is positioned by microtubule overlaps in the moss phragmoplast prior to cell plate membrane arrival

The Toxoplasma Vacuolar H+-ATPase Regulates Intracellular pH and Impacts the Maturation of Essential Secretory Proteins

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Subunits Localize 소단위 현지화

Subunits Localize 소단위 현지화
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