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Teacher Beliefs and Emotion Expression in Light of Support for Student Psychological Needs: A Qualitative Study.

Urban teacher challenges: What they are and what we can learn from them

Why Do Students Misbehave? An Initial Examination of Antecedents to Student Misbehavior

A matter of teaching and relationships: determinants of teaching style, interpersonal resources and teacher burnout

Punishment goals in classroom interventions: An attributional approach.

Looking for learning in teacher learning networks in Kenya

Does teacher-student relationship mediate the relation between student misbehavior and teacher psychological well-being?

Impact of Higher Institutes of Sport and Physical Education in Tunisia Students’ Pre-University Cheating Behavior on Their Asocial Conduct during University Examinations

How Should Stressors Be Examined in Teachers? Answering Questions about Dimensionality, Generalizability and Predictive Effects Using the Multicontext Stressors Scale

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Student Misbehavior 학생의 잘못된 행동

Student Misbehavior 학생의 잘못된 행동
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