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Structure Filled sentence examples within Slit Structure Filled

Thermally Controllable High-Efficiency Unidirectional Coupling in a Double-Slit Structure Filled with Phase Change Material

Thermally Controllable High-Efficiency Unidirectional Coupling in a Double-Slit Structure Filled With Phase Change Material

Structure Filled sentence examples within Composite Structure Filled

Inorganic/organic bilayer of silica/acrylic polyurethane decorating FeSiAl for enhanced anti-corrosive microwave absorption

Experimental Analysis of Thermal Conductive Properties on Aerogel-Filled Composite Structure

Structure Filled sentence examples within Tubular Structure Filled

Dispersion curves for Acoustic Multipole Sources on guided waves in Isotropic Tubular Structure Liquid Metal Sodium Filled

Müller’s duct persistence syndrome associated with cryptorchidism, Sertoli cell tumor and pyometra in a Miniature Schnauzer

Structure Filled sentence examples within Shaped Structure Filled

Can a radiofrequency device reduce the pore size?

Fluid-structure interaction analysis for dynamic intraocular pressure monitoring in the human eye

Structure Filled sentence examples within Honeycomb Structure Filled

Additive Manufactured Matching Medium Design for Implant Communications

Prediction of Pressure Drop in Adsorption Filter Using Friction Factor Correlations for Packed Bed

Structure Filled sentence examples within Walled Structure Filled

Energy absorption of thin walled tube filled with gradient auxetic structures-theory and simulation

Laparoscopic colorectal resection for a giant colonic diverticulum – a video vignette

Sensitive explosive loaded in porous cellulose for improved stability

Process Stability, Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Underwater Submerged-Arc Welded Steel

More Structure Filled 채워진 구조 sentence examples

Effect of geometry and thermal mass of Direct-Metal-Laser-Sintered aluminium Heat Exchangers filled with phase change materials on Lithium-Ion cells’ passive cooling

Plasmonic nanosponges filled with silicon for enhanced white light emission.

Rainwater harvesting to alleviate water scarcity in drought-prone Barind Tract, NW, Bangladesh: a case study

Social sustainability of tourism in Iceland: A qualitative inquiry

Harnessing inclusions to tune post-buckling deformation and bandgaps of soft porous periodic structures

Graphene-Like Carbon Derived from Macadamia Nut Shells for High-Performance Supercapacitor

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Structure Filled 채워진 구조

Structure Filled 채워진 구조
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