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Strong Sustainability sentence examples within strong sustainability paradigm

The bio-based economy, 2030 Agenda, and strong sustainability – A regional-scale assessment of sustainability goal interactions

Towards Strong Sustainability Management—A Generalized PROSA Method

Strong Sustainability sentence examples within strong sustainability orientation

Managing intellectual capital for sustainability: Evidence from a Re-municipalized, publicly owned waste management firm

Chancenorientierte unternehmerische Nachhaltigkeit als Treiber der Internationalisierung von KMU

Strong Sustainability sentence examples within strong sustainability approach

Alternative jet fuels and climate geopolitics: What, why does it and who matters in the environmental policy-making process

Evaluation of bioeconomy in the context of strong sustainability

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Strong Sustainability sentence examples within strong sustainability agenda

Selecting suppliers for socially sustainable supply chain management:post-exchange supplier development activities as pre-selection requirements

Ethics of Using AI and Big Data in Agriculture: The Case of a Large Agriculture Multinational

The Evolution of Sustainable Development Theory: Types, Goals, and Research Prospects

A framework to measure corporate sustainability performance: A strong sustainability-based view of firm

A New Green Political Economy for the Anthropocene

Resource efficiency and green economic sustainability transition evaluation of green growth productivity gap and governance challenges in Cambodia

Ecological Wisdom Inspired Restoration Engineering

Innovative Logistics Services and Sustainable Lifestyles: Interdependencies, Transformation Strategies and Decision Making

Does the European Union achieve comprehensive blue growth? Progress of EU coastal states in the Baltic and North Sea, and the Atlantic Ocean against sustainable development goal 14

Green economic development in Lao PDR: A sustainability window analysis of Green Growth Productivity and the Efficiency Gap

Development of Environmentally Sustainable Materials

Integrated multi-criteria decision making methodology for pumped hydro-energy storage plant site selection from a sustainable development perspective with an application

Weak sustainability is not sustainable: Socioeconomic and environmental assessment of Inner Mongolia for the past three decades

Integrated Reporting, Integrated Thinking and Gaming Companies: Myths and Paradoxes

The Monetization of Natural Capital in Corporate Investment

Economic assumptions of the Ecological State: looking for sustainability

Economías-otras: Introducción a un monográfico necesario

Engaging with the natural environment: Examining the premises of nature-inclusive stakeholder relationships and engagement

Socio–Ecosystemic Sustainability

Overcommitted to tourism and under committed to sustainability: the urgency of teaching “strong sustainability” in tourism courses

Sustainability of oil palm plantations in Malaysia

Some Truths Don’t Matter: The Case of Strong Sustainability

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Strong Sustainability 강력한 지속 가능성

Strong Sustainability 강력한 지속 가능성
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