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Strict Feedback Systems sentence examples within adaptive neural network

Observer-Based Adaptive NN Tracking Control for Nonstrict-Feedback Systems with Input Saturation

Observer-Based Adaptive Neural Output Feedback Constraint Controller Design for Switched Systems Under Average Dwell Time

Strict Feedback Systems sentence examples within output feedback control

Tracking control of state constrained fractional order nonlinear systems.

Event-Triggered Output Feedback Control of Switched Nonlinear Systems With Input Saturation

Strict Feedback Systems sentence examples within adaptive fuzzy control

Finite-Time-Prescribed Performance-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems With Dynamic Uncertainty and Actuator Faults.

Finite-Time Stabilization-Based Adaptive Fuzzy Control Design

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Strict Feedback Systems sentence examples within event triggered control

Observer-Based Event-Triggered Adaptive Fuzzy Control for Leader-Following Consensus of Nonlinear Strict-Feedback Systems

Strict Feedback Systems sentence examples within dynamic surface control

Observer-Based Adaptive Event-Triggered Control for Nonstrict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems With Output Constraint and Actuator Failures

Event-Triggered Distributed H∞ Constrained Control of Physically Interconnected Large-Scale Partially Unknown Strict-Feedback Systems

Neural-Network-Based Adaptive Funnel Control for Strict-Feedback Systems with Tracking Error and State Constraints

Secure State Estimation of Nonlinear Cyber-Physical Systems Against DoS Attacks: A Multiobserver Approach.

Adaptive Fuzzy Fast Finite-Time Dynamic Surface Tracking Control for Nonlinear Systems

Adaptive Fuzzy Decentralized Control for Fractional-Order Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems With Unmodeled Dynamics

Adaptive Fuzzy Output-Feedback Decentralized Control for Fractional-Order Nonlinear Large-Scale Systems.

Semi-global adaptive backstepping control for parametric strict-feedback systems with non-triangular structural uncertainties.

Distributed Containment Maneuvering of Uncertain Multiagent Systems in MIMO Strict-Feedback Form

Optimized Backstepping Tracking Control Using Reinforcement Learning for a Class of Stochastic Nonlinear Strict-Feedback Systems.

Adaptive Fuzzy Asymptotic Tracking for Nonlinear Systems With Nonstrict-Feedback Structure

Adaptive fuzzy asymptotical tracking control of nonlinear systems with unmodeled dynamics and quantized actuator

Distributed event triggering control for six-rotor UAV systems with asymmetric time-varying output constraints

Global neuro-adaptive control of nonstrict-feedback systems with unknown control directions and multiple time delays

Event-Triggered Adaptive Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems With Composite Condition.

Composite Learning Fuzzy Control of Stochastic Nonlinear Strict-Feedback Systems

Adaptive asymptotic tracking control of uncertain nonlinear time-delay systems depended on delay estimation information

High-order fully actuated system approaches: Part II. Generalized strict-feedback systems

Approximation-free Quantitative Prescribed Performance Control of Unknown Strict-feedback Systems

Neural-network-based fault-tolerant control for nonlinear systems subjected to faults and saturations

Simplified Optimized Backstepping Control for a Class of Nonlinear Strict-Feedback Systems With Unknown Dynamic Functions

Finite-Time Robust Intelligent Control of Strict-Feedback Nonlinear Systems With Flight Dynamics Application.

Event-triggered-based Adaptive Output Feedback Control with Prescribed Performance for Strict-feedback Nonlinear Systems

Adaptive Fuzzy Output Feedback Control for Input-saturated System Based on Nonlinear Tracking Differentiator

Observer-based neuro-adaptive prescribed performance control of nonstrict feedback systems and its application

Adaptive neural-based control for non-strict feedback systems with full-state constraints and unmodeled dynamics

Working Memory Augmentation for Improved Learning in Neural Adaptive Control

Active vibration control of underactuated free-floating spacecraft via a performance enhanced way

Neuro-Adaptive Control With Given Performance Specifications for Strict Feedback Systems Under Full-State Constraints

Finite-Time Adaptive Fuzzy Output Feedback Dynamic Surface Control for MIMO Nonstrict Feedback Systems

Distributed prescribed performance control for consensus output tracking of nonlinear semi-strict feedback systems using finite-time disturbance observers

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Strict Feedback Systems 엄격한 피드백 시스템

Strict Feedback Systems 엄격한 피드백 시스템
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