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Involving research‐invested clinicians in data collection affects injury incidence in youth football

Identification and characterization of putative Aeromonas spp. T3SS effectors

Clostridium difficile infections in teaching hospital in northern Finland

Identification and characterization of putative Aeromonas spp. T3SS effectors

A multicentre, randomized, split face and/or neck comparison of 308‐nm excimer laser and 0·1% tacrolimus ointment for stable vitiligo plus intramuscular slow‐releasing betamethasone for active vitiligo

Is the public-private mix approach increasing tuberculosis case notification in Azad Jammu and Kashmir, Pakistan? A cross-sectional study

Prediction of spatial functional random processes: comparing functional and spatio-temporal kriging approaches

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Strict Comparison 엄격한 비교

Strict Comparison 엄격한 비교
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