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Strategic Knowledge sentence examples within strategic knowledge management

Entrepreneurial orientation, competitive advantage and strategic knowledge management capability in Malaysian family firms

Performance drivers in knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial firms: a multidimensional perspective

Strategic Knowledge sentence examples within strategic knowledge gap

Well-being Messaging for Mammalian Milks: A Scoping Review

Mars Small Spacecraft Studies: Overview

Comparing Conflict-related Sexual Violence: Expertise, Politics and Documentation

Knowledge management as a critical success factor in developing international companies’ organizational learning capability

An Innovative Query Tuning Scheme for Large Databases

Chernobyl science and politics in Belarus: The challenges of post-normal science and political transition as a context for science–policy interfacing

An identity systems perspective on high ability in self-regulated learning

Proyectos de integración, capitalismo global y “Plan Belgrano” en Argentina

Impact of leadership on interpersonal trust at work in enterprises in Bosnia and Herzegovina

O AVANÇO CIENTÍFICO SE DÁ AO ACASO? O conhecimento da atmosfera no contexto histórico

The Impact of Explicit Comprehension Strategy Instruction on First- and Second-Grade At-Risk Students

The relationship between investments in lean practices and operational performance: Exploring the moderating effects of operational intellectual capital

More Strategic Knowledge 전략적 지식 sentence examples

Caracterização da disciplina gestão da informação e do conhecimento como eixo temático dos programas de pós-graduação em Ciência da Informação no Brasil

How Do Physics Teacher Candidates Substantiate Their Knowledge? An Analytical Framework for Examining the Epistemic Dimensions of Content Knowledge in Higher Education

Web-Based Task Design Supporting Students’ Construction of Alternative Proofs

The Emergence of the Mafia in Post-War Syria: The Terror-Crime Continuum

Empreendedorismo estratégico em pequenas e médias empresas do setor aeronáutico brasileiro e canadense

Big data visualisation, geographic information systems and decision making in healthcare management

Strategic knowledge-based approach for CAD modelling learning

Auto-assessment tools for mechanical computer aided design education

Capacidad metacognitiva en docentes y futuros docentes de enseñanza no universitaria

Modelo de Capacidad en Tecnologías de Información en Mipymes Colombianas

Developing a Scratch-based coding achievement test

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Strategic Knowledge 전략적 지식

Strategic Knowledge 전략적 지식
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